To now be deemed impoverished, a person must make less than 1, 196 yuan a year.
The story of Joan's short life would be deemed preposterous if it had not actually happened.
You need not have done anything wrong to be deemed unfit for these privileges.
Many of those employed in the remote-services business would be deemed overqualified in the West.
Conversely, tinkering with animal genes may be deemed to be less acceptable than tinkering with plant genes.
The contents of the Symantec website shall not be deemed incorporated by reference into this press release.
FORBES: Symantec Acquires Encryption Provider PGP For $300 Million
If Boeing and McDonnell Douglas proceed with their merger regardless, it would be deemed illegal in Europe.
Today stout might be deemed a diet drink with fewer calories than low fat milk or orange juice.
Entrants will be deemed to have accepted these rules and to agree to be bound by them when registering.
Mr Clerides insists Cyprus must be deemed a single state, though Greeks and Turks would run their own affairs.
Indeed, if obesity jeopardizes the health fabric of a nation, then Twinkies could be deemed a national security threat.
From a regulator's vantage, Microsoft still looks just too big and powerful, and could be deemed overly so with Yahoo!
After all, many economists argue that national health reforms must tackle costs hand-in-hand with coverage or else be deemed reckless.
Since monetary policy operates with a considerable lag, those pressures might be deemed sufficient justification for higher interest rates now.
The authority said although some of the purchases would not now be deemed "wholly necessary" they were "legitimate" at the time.
Tradition should not be deemed to be a salient argument in an effort to preserve fighting in the game of hockey.
FORBES: Is It the NHL's Turn to Make Drastic Rule Changes to Thwart Brain Injuries?
Entrants will be deemed to have accepted these rules and to agree to be bound by them when entering this competition.
And so long as Russia could be deemed democratic, the West had a point of principle to which it could cling.
But its directive was picked up aviation authorities globally and requires that the planes be deemed safe before they fly again.
In cases where doctors think a European visitor's treatment can wait until they get home, then the EHIC can be deemed invalid.
BBC: EU warns Spain over hospitals' rejection of EU health card
Their games would be deemed less successful without about one-sixth the athletes.
WSJ: Cyprus Gets Another Financial Bailout, This Time For Athletics
Many psychiatrists were quoted by the news media ahead of Tuesday's announcement as saying that he was likely to be deemed sane.
Further, anything that could be taken as a hint of a deal might be deemed inside information if the case is successful.
His proposal wouldn't require that the country's border with Mexico be deemed secure before granting citizenship to those in the U.S. illegally.
Suffolk played down the concerns about mobile security, saying that all smartphones harbored sophisticated technology and could be deemed a threat.
FORBES: Interview: Huawei's Cyber Security Chief Slams U.S. 'Protectionism'
All may be deemed ready to join in 2003 or soon after.
ECONOMIST: Mikulas Dzurinda, Slovakia��s turn for the better
Precisely when a state law should be deemed impliedly preempted by federal law is an often-complicated legal issue that raises sensitive federalism issues.
And, more recently, welfare for asylum-seekers from places such as Kosovo that can no longer be deemed zones of conflict has been reduced.
The Supreme Court has also established several per se rules under which certain government actions will always be deemed to constitute compensable takings.
FORBES: Supreme Court Observations: Takings Ruling a Lump of Coal, Not a Gift, for Landowners
But avoid any stunts that might be deemed crass or unprofessional, says Dale Winston, chief executive of Battalia Winston International, a retained executive-search firm.