There are many reasons why you might be dissatisfied with your current situation.
Sometimes it is quite minor, only causing you to be dissatisfied with someone, and other times there is real negative impact, like reputation damage or even financial loss.
Helmreich points out that people with one of T-Mobile's exclusive Google Android phones or Sprint's Palm Pre are also more likely to be dissatisfied with their service if they switched providers for those phones.
Thus, the information employees get from Glassdoor may make their own pay look worse than it is, and may cause them to be more dissatisfied with their pay than if they knew what others were actually making.
Whatever you think about the merits of the classical gold standard (and I think this article by Barry Eichengreen has it about right) and however dissatisfied people may be with the economic performance delivered by the Federal Reserve, there are no grounds for believing this proposal would provide the U.S. with sound money and economic stability.
For example, BexA has long lobbied for a comprehensive guarantee for export-performance bonds. (These are posted by exporters and can be called in by a customer if it is dissatisfied with the exporter's performance.) Unlike many EU export agencies, the ECGD pays out only if a customer calls a bond unfairly for political reasons, perhaps.
This step would be taken, according Mr Andrews, if he remained dissatisfied with the action taken to address the financial issues at the institution or the financial and governance arrangements in place to safeguard public funding.
In the cities of the rich world no woman is expected to wear a garment until it is worn out. (Men, unaccountably, tend to hold on to their clothes for years, but the industry is working on the problem.) The clothes industry would be in a pickle without a constant supply of clients dissatisfied with the contents of their wardrobes.
Mainly, our target audience would be people who were like a lot of our newer members dissatisfied with their churches, but not willing to give up on organized religion as a way to express and live their faith, and influence how they passed it on to their families.
FORBES: Selling Religion: Why My Church Sponsored Youth Baseball and Softball
If the commission is dissatisfied with the government's response, the ultimate sanction could be to take the UK to the European Court of Justice and compel the authorities to release any risk assessments that have been completed.
But obviously, that has just been thrown smack in my face, and it has caused a dilemma for me, and my - looking at Senator Barack Obama has nothing to do with my being dissatisfied with the Republican nominee because I just find Senator John McCain to be overwhelmingly more qualified in terms of his experience, his credentials, his foreign policy.