The company originally intended to use the technology in portable memory drives, but creating larger screens out of plastic turned out to be a more economical and feasible venture, Taussig said.
As such, it was expected to be more economical, need a smaller crew, require less maintenance and allow improved automation of the various onboard systems.
Sandy Alderson has a clear vision as to how the Mets should be rebuilt and will rewrite the definition of what it takes to win on an economical budget in a major cosmopolitan city.
So far as climate change is concerned, economical cuts in greenhouse-gas emissions are surely to be welcomed, notwithstanding the continuing controversy over the urgency of tackling the problem (see article).
Any new owner will want to ensure that Ford retains an interest in the future of the business, in part because it may be possible to persuade the commission to count Jaguar and Land Rover as part of Ford's bigger and more economical range for the purpose of measuring emissions.