You may be entitled to personal exemptions, deductions, and credits that can lower your tax.
He will have the right to be silent and will be entitled to a lawyer.
Under the precedent set by Duval's decision, they too will be entitled to compensation.
CNN: Court: Army Corps of Engineers liable for Katrina flooding
We should be entitled to change the things that we no longer agree with.
The Laffer Shares would be equity, and they would be entitled to receive dividends in perpetuity.
FORBES: Let's Finance Supply-Side Tax Cuts With Laffer Shares
They will be entitled to receive payment of this dividend on Jan. 14, the company said.
FORBES: Third-Quarter Results In Line With Expectations: Yamana CEO
Children of Ryder workers will be entitled to first claim on the school's 300 seats.
So a Scotlandless Whitehall would be entitled to build only in Portsmouth if it chose.
All registered voters, except actual members of non-coalition parties, will be entitled to take part.
They will be entitled to regular benefits such as minimum wages and due process.
And that broadly the same number of people will be entitled to extra mobility help.
The judgment also held that he was to be entitled to claim both unemancipated children as dependents.
FORBES: State Court Can Order Custodial Parent To Release Exemption
But at least, after this speech, he would be entitled to take this man's background into account.
Shouldn't Americans who pay taxes and serve in the armed forces be entitled to vote as well?
Some customers may be entitled to refunds, the airline said, depending on how they bought their tickets.
CNN: Australian airline runs out of money, stranding thousands
And if it does all work out, Ofcom will be entitled to feel just a little smug.
If the employer hires people back, the "laid-off" reservists may be entitled to a job when they return.
The SNP has argued that an independent Scotland would be entitled to the vast majority of North Sea reserves.
Pupils who receive free school meals and those who cannot travel independently will still be entitled to free transport.
All children, whatever their citizenship status, should be entitled to a public education in the city where they reside.
Then, years from now, once the taxpayer loans are paid off, Fiat would be entitled to take a controlling interest.
But there were people who should be entitled to give reality to their decision and execute their decision, he argued.
Mr Brown has argued that, under the current system, about 10, 000 Gurkhas and their families will be entitled to settle.
After age 70, there are no more restrictions: I'll be entitled to Social Security checks even if I'm still working.
Family members will soon be able to lay their relatives to rest and will be entitled to claim government compensation.
But as a former army general, he would be entitled to be interrogated in the privacy of his own home.
"They should be entitled to the same level of care and protection provided for children in every other setting, " she said.
Although Mark will be entitled to a credit towards the basic state pension, that credit does not count towards the S2P.
If the money were, however, to be considered a normal credit, then Greece would be entitled to get the money back.
FORBES: Does Germany Really Owe Greece A ��trillion In War Reparations? Probably Not, No
No, President Obama had it sent back to the Brits, who would be entitled to feel offended as well as appalled.