• The line is expected to be extended to reach Rochdale by the end of the year.

    BBC: Metrolink trams line to Oldham reopens after 60 years

  • Under the proposals, Education Minister Leighton Andrews AM announced that schools will be graded every year and expected to reach certain standards, with failing schools facing closure.

    BBC: Urgent question: education reforms

  • After a while, the police would gather the other pieces of the puzzle, the easy parts, but by then she would be beyond reach, and would not be expected to explain her decision, as had been the case years earlier, when, as the one who had lived, she was made to account not only for her own survival but also for the deaths of the other five girls.

    NEWYORKER: Alone

  • Indeed, it seemed they were not managing to decode the dance because they took much longer to reach the food source than would be expected if they were following the instructions.

    BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Waggle dance leads bees to nectar

  • But Mr Socrates said that under the terms of the deal, Portugal would be given more time to reach its budget deficit targets than had previously been expected.

    BBC: Portugal reaches deal on EU and IMF bail-out

  • Like many of the more than 3, 000 children whose adoptions are expected to be finalized on Adoption Day, Lydia has been through a lot to reach this point.

    NPR: An Adoption Success Story

  • The Hollywood Reporter quotes spokesman Randolph Blotky saying the network is expected to reach 300 locations when it launches this summer, all of which will be equipped with an appliance from video distributor KenCast.


  • "We have to prepare ourselves for the likelihood that swine flu will reach Guernsey, but it may not be in a way we initially expected, through travel to an infected area, " he added.

    BBC: Island swine flu tests stepped up

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