Some of it will be independent small shops, some of it will be chains, some of it will be stuff we let go from our High Street.
Mr. BEN BERNANKE (Federal Reserve Chairman Nominee): I assure this committee that if I am confirmed, I will be strictly independent of all political influences and will be guided solely by the Federal Reserve's mandate from Congress and by the public interest.
"They have to prove on the balance of probabilities ... what happened to them and that will be forensically tested, there will be independent psychiatric reports for all of them and they will have to give evidence and satisfy the court that they're telling the truth, " she said.
It includes a commitment, made by most of the 69 countries that signed the deal, that telecoms regulators will be independent of suppliers.
Under the plans, there will be at least 10 brand new schools across the five boroughs, seven of which will be academies - independent schools funded by the state that use new ways of teaching and the latest equipment to try to raise standards.
So the Conservative government is creating a new scheme, modeled after successes in Australia and New Zealand, in which the credentials and language skills of immigrants will be assessed by an independent third party, and those who pass muster will become part of a pool of potential immigrants to Canada that is available to employers.
It will be independent of Cornwall Council, with the freedom to choose its own teaching hours, curriculum and how to spend its money.
An independent Scotland will be part of the European Union (EU).
The bids for the UK City of Culture will be considered by an independent panel, chaired by Phil Redmond, creator of popular TV series including Grange Hill, Brookside and Hollyoaks, and a shortlist will be announced in June.
The process of evaluating a proposal and negotiation of any transaction will be overseen by a Strategic Committee of three independent directors: David G.
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The pilot schemes, which aim to assess the effectiveness of the government's plan to slow down the spread of TB in cattle in England, will be monitored by an independent group for a period of six weeks.
This is to allow time to arrange for a full peer review of the application which will be undertaken on behalf of the UKNC by independent experts.
In addition to these internal efforts, we have also appointed a mishap investigation board, an external group of people who are independent from NASA who will immediately be charged with the opportunity to look at all of the information that was immediately locked down right after our absence of communications.
The investigators of the IRS must be independent of the administration, or their conclusions will not be trustworthy.
The Healthcare Commission will also be more independent of government than its predecessors.
But the ongoing business use of independent contractors will be covered.
The independent commission will be led by former Department of Health specialist Sir John Oldham.
The powers of the independent counsel will be narrowed, if the office survives at all.
And, if an HMO disallows a doctor's treatment recommendation because of cost concerns, patients will be able to appeal that decision to an independent review board in the hopes of getting it reversed, or of receiving compensation for any damage they may have suffered as a result of the HMO ruling.
The bids, which must be submitted by 30 April, will be considered by an independent panel, chaired by Phil Redmond, creator of popular TV series including Grange Hill, Brookside and Hollyoaks, and a shortlist will be announced in June.
And representatives from the Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference of leading independent schools, will be meeting OCR on Thursday.
In fact, The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that by 2020, about 65 million Americans will be freelancers, temps, independent contractors and solopreneurs, making up about 40% of the workforce.
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The two-year-olds now face independent futures but ones which will be beset by years of reconstructive surgery.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Magazine | Why are there so many conjoined twins in the news?
If he does, the case will be argued in front of an independent arbitration panel of three people.
Obviously we are working through the setup of the independent claims process that will be overseen by Ken Feinberg.
WHITEHOUSE: Vice President Biden on Congressman Barton��s Apology to BP
Microsoft's future behaviour will then be monitored by an independent team of experts.
The watchdog will have to be seen to be independent of government if it is to be taken seriously be patients and staff.
But banks and other non-independent companies will be able to pick from a range of products, instead of being restricted to their own.
Applications are invited from Local Authorities and others throughout the UK, the Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies, and will be assessed by a panel of independent experts appointed by Government.
Drilling companies will be encouraged to submit to an independent review of their operations.