Like every other citizen under the U.S. Constitution, though, those in such positions must be presumed innocent of charges of mis- or malfeasance until proven guilty.
Clearly, in Ms. Williams' view, the needs of our troops to survive and prevail on the battlefield must be subordinated to the rights of innocent civilians not to be exposed to landmines.
And the other medications for asthma often demanded a more powerful reckoning, cruel side effects like weight gain or stunted growth or humped back that could conceivably one day be visited upon the innocent perfection of her little boy's body.
Instead, the SEC's ineptitude allowed innocent investors to be scammed out of even more money.
But the prime minister continues to insist that he will not allow an innocent minister to be hounded out of office.
Ms Goldie said lawyers were concerned at the section as it introduced a criminal offence for what may be an innocent mistake made by members of the legal profession.
Those who profess to be innocent can challenge their warnings in hopes of not having their Internet slowed down.
It is unclear, however, that such a statement to the effect that the particular defendant was innocent of any involvement would be received in evidence.
One can be, indeed one must strive to become, tough and philosophical concerning destruction and death, for this is what most of mankind has been best at since we have heard of man. (But remember: most of mankind is not all of mankind.) But it is not permissible that the authors of devastation should also be innocent.
"Social networks are about connecting people with other people - if one person is the target of police monitoring, there will be a dragnet effect in which dozens, even hundreds, of innocent users also come under surveillance, " said Gus Hosein, the group's executive director.
Even at war there is a certain space of humanity to be preserved for innocent people.
If that truth is the well being of the environment, thus the concept of innocent and guilty can be easily established: Chevron is the contaminator and the residents are victims.
Nevertheless, he continued unabated, determined to see the exoneration of those whom he believed to be innocent.
It is one of the few areas of law where you can be completely innocent and still liable.
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Less obviously, companies backed by crooked cash may be able to undercut innocent rivals, forcing them out of business.
"Public sector workers will be shocked and angry that they are the innocent victims of job cuts and pay freezes".
This in turn enabled her to act as though she were utterly innocent, even when claiming to be the cousin of an imprisoned Scottish captain, or chatting to a Gestapo officer with 200lb of illegal pork in her suitcase.
As to Harris, the local district attorney said all the information compiled thus far -- especially shooting into such a busy intersection, endangering an untold number of innocent people -- will be weighed in a decision on whether to seek the death penalty.
CNN: Las Vegas shooting, crash suspect nabbed week later in L.A.
"We've said that terrorism and violent behaviors and killing innocent people cannot be a step towards defending the rights of the Syrian people, " he added.
When the only way forward is to loudly proclaim your innocence, while kind-of-sort-of hinting that you might not really be innocent, while blaming the media, while using the media, it disincentivizes dignity.
Can the principle of 'innocent until proven guilty' be protected or are we going to have to look at the way the law works if we want to see more weight given to victims?
When added to the mix of other issues, the Appeals Officer determined that a compromise settlement would be appropriate in order to reflect the merits of the innocent spouse claim and the hazards of litigation.
This is the United States of America, where one is supposed to be innocent until proven guilty.
One innocent bystander of proposed anti-piracy legislation might be libraries, students, and educators.
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The fates of those who have defrauded innocent collectors must be decided and industry-wide authentication regulations must be implemented and strictly enforced.
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In truth, there is plenty wrong with Italy's system of justice: it allows the innocent to be locked up for long periods before trial, and the guilty to go free for long periods after trial.
This modality should be familiar for old Mac hands who remember those innocent, carefree days of computing before MultiFinder.
Notice 2012-8 acknowledges that an innocent spouse claim may be filed at any time during the period of the collection statute of limitations.
Though Spears may be "not that innocent, " we are lucky to have plenty of adolescents that still are--and these are the individuals that we can call role models.
Lord Tebbit said concerns that such a penalty would lead to miscarriages of justice - with the innocent executed - would be mitigated by the care juries would take deliberating when they knew a person's life was at stake.