The hope is that it also will be less prone to regular blow-ups.
If a screen is bendable, it could feasibly move on impact and be less prone to breaking or cracking.
Blum adds that since the CBOE is the playgorund of hedgers and speculators, its business tends to be less prone to market movements than other exchanges.
Secondly, although the sets still have straight jacks (instead of the 90-degree kind our pockets prefer), the thicker connection should be less prone to shorting out.
ENGADGET: Ears-on with Klipsch's latest intra-aural headphone lineup: Image S4 (II) series, X7i
According to a new study by a team at UCLA, older brains have differing abilities to gauge troubling situations and may be less prone to screen out swindlers.
It said the advantages were brighter, clearer indoor images that would be less prone to blur caused by unsteady hands than some SLR (single lens reflex) cameras on the market which feature bigger and more expensive lenses.
Both Gatwick and Heathrow have express rail lines from downtown, namely the Gatwick Express departing from Victoria Station and the Heathrow Express departing from Paddington Station, both of which will be less prone to gridlock than the motorways and the Tube.
Though there is evidence Iran will not be concerned with the possibility of its own destruction, there is also evidence that Iran will be less prone to adhere to the nuclear taboo, the moral disapproval toward nuclear weapons that prevents usage in conjunction with MAD.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: A Nuclear Iran: The Case for Action
Members will need to be less prissy and fastidious, less prone to faint every time things get rough or go wrong.
Old ice, also called multiyear ice, tends to be thicker ice and less prone to melting out in summer.
FORBES: On Romney's 'Rising Oceans', Time To Get A Bigger Boat
With regard to industry, companies must do whatever they can to smooth security, in the view of GIP members, and some pointed comments were made regarding what members believe Microsoft should be doing to make its software less prone to attack by viruses and worms such as the recent "ILOVEYOU" threat.
An ex-Goldmanite arrived a year ago, and has hired Goldman Sachs and McKinsey to help him figure out how to rejigger the portfolio to be less risk prone.
Morgan in a Brooklyn office building said workers were encouraged by supervisors to examine pools of loans they knew would be less time-consuming or error-prone as they tried to hit loan quotas.
FORBES: JPMorgan Chase Still Haunted By Foreclosure Reviews, And More
By insisting on these three key events first, traders will find that their trading is less haphazard and prone to be regulated by emotions.
He said the drones should be based in sections along the Texas border less prone to coastal windy conditions.
State insurance regulators should be appointed rather than elected so they are less prone to being influenced by special interest groups and lobbyists.