Market speculation is that Qatar and Saudi Arabia might be likely to make the move.
The constituency changes would be likely to prove of most benefit to the Conservatives.
No one offered such fool's gold would be likely to be taken in again.
Yet neither side would be likely to accept the implicit supranational authority this would entail.
So if they act boldly enough, most other countries would be likely to follow.
Even with wiser politicians, the City would be likely to shrink over the next few years.
Analysts also speculated that any problems would be likely to spread beyond the firm's US operations.
But he says he would be likely to switch patients to the new combo anyway--if it works.
Any changes would be likely to come into force near the end of his contract, or after.
Credit card rates would be likely to get caught up in such a general increase in interest rates.
FORBES: Credit Card Rates: Gap Grows Between Rewards And Non-Rewards Cards
We estimate that fewer than 2 per cent of large businesses will be likely to pay these penalties.
WHITEHOUSE: Q: Will I be required to provide coverage that I can��t afford? | The White House
In the unlikely event that an agreement is not reached, gold would be likely to surge on safe-haven demand.
FORBES: Market Nuggets: HSBC's Steel: Lower Treasury Yields Underpinning Comex Gold
Introducing more recent events into the history curriculum would be likely to require the displacement of studying other eras.
Yet women would not be likely to welcome the end of independent taxation.
But other countries would be likely to object, saying that would be too much regulation and would damage their airlines.
Unemployment is only 2 percent in Iceland and the smelter would be likely to rely upon immigrant labor, he said.
If their immune systems respond and the vaccine appears safe, Mexican regulators would be likely to approve it, Singhvi says.
He would also be likely to use Mr Reagan's tactic of appealing direct to voters to put pressure on Congress.
To qualify, homeowners would have to be delinquent in their payments or be likely to fall behind in the near future.
With that understanding, we can begin to imagine what kind of a product or service will be likely to delight them.
FORBES: Measuring What Matters: From Outputs to Outcomes: Part 2
First, as Spitzer says, they would be likely to be handled gingerly by the NYSE in its capacity as a regulator.
In a period of deflation, incomes would be likely to fall, and a fall in house prices would then surely follow.
ECONOMIST: The deadly cocktail of high borrowing and falling prices
In the first, the loss of the Left Front's votes in parliament would be likely to cripple the government's policymaking ability.
ECONOMIST: Exit polls point to a narrow BJP victory in Gujarat
If ICE wins approval for its NYSE Euronext bid, CME would be likely to seek an acquisition to level the playing field.
FORBES: Asia The Next Frontier For Stock Exchange Consolidation
So tough exchange controls would be likely to accompany a nuclear test.
In doing the split for potential suitors, Elliott will also be likely to command a premium price for the assets it may sell.
The Ministry of Justice said the figures indicated the government would be likely to achieve its target of a 5% reduction in re-offending.
And any education legislation including school vouchers would be likely to draw much fiercer opposition from Democrats than the less contentious measures on testing.
If it really were implemented, it would be likely to have just the opposite effect: it would make many feel uncomfortable about its success.
But Oracle is selling bundles of the stack in a way that a CIO would be likely to buy, not a head of marketing.