As we look to the future, and the world we find ourselves in, and the things that we believe and know that we're being asked to do today and are likely to be asked to do in the future, the potential for tiltrotor technology is just as an incredible potential force-multiplier.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: V-22: A discussion on the way ahead
The takeaway: Do for others and they will be more likely to do for you.
For instance, he discovered that when people have a longer time to turn in their rebates, they mistakenly conclude that they will be more likely to do so.
The Shalits fear a harder line cabinet led by PM-designate Benjamin Netanyahu might be less likely to do a deal.
If his splendid War and Decision gets the reading it warrants, others will be more likely to do so as well.
And, with a good deal of fear and uncertainty remaining regarding the economy, they may be more likely to do that than they are to hire new workers.
And if there were no rebound, it would be even more likely to do so.
The decision to do this in L.A. is irritating the entire tech press corps, basically none of whom are based in L.A. Normally, Microsoft would be much more likely to do a launch in San Francisco, New York or Seattle.
FORBES: Microsoft: Barnes & Noble Spikes; Cooking Up A Windows Nook?
Better, then, for her reproductive capacity to be curtailed a decade or two before her death, so that she can devote more energy to raising her existing brood, and be more likely to live to do so.
Companies may take a strategic decision to prefund for 2014 and even part way into 2015 knowing that it will likely be more expensive to do so next year, Mr. Ritchie added.
If Republicans get a chance to rewrite health care reform on a fresh sheet of paper, whatever they do will likely be part of a broader effort to do the same thing to the tax code.
While many may want to condemn these proposed technologies as nefarious military weapons likely to do more harm than good, it would be foolish to do so without first considering the commercial applications likely to flow from these technologies.
"There are likely to be many factors to do with our environment and our health that might increase our risk of developing cancer, " he said.
Higher-blends of ethanol will likely penalize owners of small gasoline-powered equipment which were not made to operate on these blends and are likely to be damaged if they do so without appropriate retrofits.
Women with reasonably regular cycles are likely to be the most likely to benefit from this - those with erratic menstrual cycles or who do not ovulate at all are unlikely to be suitable for natural cycle treatment.
When we look at the candidates to do so, you want to look at an expiration in which the dividend is likely to be paid, as December expiration is next week, this discounts our desire to do it in that month.
FORBES: Bonus Time: Playing The Special Dividend Trend Through Options
But until that day, Singapore's silent underclass will likely be forced to continue what they do now when they need help.
Thus, pols have learned they are far more likely to be criticized for what they do say than for what they do not.
FORBES: A Disappointing Presidential Campaign Comes To An End
Informing the incorporators of the international rules they should be following made them no more likely to do so, even when penalties were mentioned.
With time to do it right, Israelis and Palestinians would be more likely to find a workable solution.
Persuading people to act in the interests of society rather than on their own behalf is likely to be harder than showing mathematically that this is the best thing to do.
The organisation plans to produce maps of households most likely to be affected and inform them via post of the things they can do to mitigate the problem.
She also believed that if you picked something you enjoyed, you were more likely to do well and be happy.
The only caveat is that public companies must advise investors where the information can be found, most likely using traditional media to do so.
There is a further incentive for them to do so: returns on dollar assets are likely to be much lower than in recent years.
Of the 1, 064 boys and girls questioned nationwide, 38% said they would be more likely to report crimes if they could do so without giving their names.
"Due to the risk of disorder on the day we are likely to be stopping and searching more people and have pre-authorised powers to do this under Section 60 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, " he said.
We aim for a purchase price of around 75% of the market value and prefer "sell and rent backs" as the existing owners would be more likely to respect the property, we do not have to actively seek new tenants, and it causes minimal disruption to the existing owners.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Moneybox | Have Your Say: Sale and rent back
Zyprexa seems to cause more weight gain than the other drugs do, and critics say it may be more likely to cause diabetes or heart problems.