Next, since higher-paid workers want to hold on to their jobs, they would not be as likely to steal as lower-wage workers might.
Another example he did not work on was a project for a financial institution to develop an algorithm that screened for customers who would not be likely to repay their loans, keep them from over-borrowing, and saving the client millions in loan write-offs.
And if anyone were foolish enough to do so in the open source community, such a design would not be likely to survive the peer review it would receive.
The company's also taken the opportunity to add some more specificity to its claims, boasting that the Sonata battery will last the life of your laptop and charge faster than any other batteries on the market, filling up to eighty percent capacity in just half an hour -- not to mention be less likely to explode.
Data show those who had completed tertiary education were more likely to be employed, and (not quite the same thing) less likely to be unemployed in 2008.
The new estimates are expected to take at least a year to draw up so MPs do not expect any decision to be taken until 2014 with the work not likely to begin until 2018 at the earliest.
The winner will be selected by 2000, but is not likely to be formally announced until 2001 after a public comment period, according to Smid.
CNN: U.S. government to set new standard for advanced encryption
Yet women would not be likely to welcome the end of independent taxation.
This team designed and executed a very clever research program that made it clear why the new brand would not be likely to break even.
My dad may not be as likely to Tweet about his giving but he certainly appreciates the efficiency of CrowdRise when he goes to solicit his friends in his charitable efforts.
With no guarantee, and no real way to measure how much of the tax base will come back in the near term, the bonds would not be likely to get insurance, a required element for many institutional buyers.
And then there is the awkward fact that Asian TV viewers may not be likely to increase the amount of time they spend in front of the screen -- no matter how many more channels they can choose from.
Being forced to submit to a privacy-rending body scan or pat-down - unpleasant as it may be - is not likely to compare to the trauma that can flow from being forced to submit to showering or sharing a bunkroom with someone who finds you sexually attractive.
If the planet does harbor liquid water today, it would have to be deep below the surface, perhaps peeking out in a few special places, but not likely to be seen by Curiosity, Squyres said.
The exact figure to be allocated for the study is still to be determined, according to Atallah, and most likely will not be finalized until after the Super Bowl.
Diplomats say the new resolution, which may well be amended in talks with other countries once draft versions are circulated, is not likely to be put to the vote until early in March.
At the moment, there's not enough evidence to say and, if anything, on balance it's most likely not to be the case, " blogger Jamie Condliffe wrote for Gizmodo U.K. "But that doesn't mean we can rule it out.
The so-called American dream seems to be alive and well in China, but brands that miss the fundamental difference in emotions and motivations are not likely to be successful.
But that will not likely be enough to prevent investors from moving on to greener pastures.
The PS4 is rumored to be the stronger of the two systems, but regardless of which is more powerful the difference will likely not be enough to matter much.
FORBES: The Next Xbox Vs The PlayStation 4: What Will Set Them Apart?
Implied yields fell between two and 10-basis points at further maturities as dealers predicted the Reserve Bank would be more likely than not to loosen policy at some point.
FORBES: Treasuries Cool After Early Gains Driven By Europe Stress
Brazil should be in a better position to continue its long-term economic growth than most other countries, and is not likely to be affected as much by the euro zone debt crisis, or a possible recession in Europe, which would be a larger problem for countries with economies more dependent on exports.
This is a huge hole to fill and will likely not be filled for a long time to come.
There might be some alternatives to coal, but they are not likely to completely replace coal use in India.
FORBES: Ali Conf: Consumer Electronics Use Of Aluminum Growing Strongly - Alcoa
The ASA noted that the advert for the 18 certificate movie was not allowed to be screened when younger children were likely to be watching.
There will likely be some sort of new federal settlement that involves the payment of some money that likely will not be very material to JPMorgan Chase earnings, along with promises of regulatory safeguards that sound good but can be circumvented, as an end to all this, so that federal authorities can try to make it seem like they got their pound of flesh.
FORBES: JPMorgan Chase and the Feds: Chicago-Style Political Theater
He may also be able to identify those for whom a transplant is so likely to fail that it should not even be attempted.
The real cost to compliance may not be incurred by the four million Americans likely to pay an individual mandate tax.
His comments are likely not going to be any panacea for the challenges facing the company and they will more than likely disappoint.
It will have been a phenomenal ride that is not likely to be repeated next year.