Might we finally be approaching the end of an age of innocence now?
FORBES: September 11 and American Innocence: What Really Happened to Us?
Up to three children under the age of 18 years of age may be admitted at no additional charge with an adult.
As a result, Britain's coppers are wondering whether one side-effect of the information age is going to be an upsurge of civil disobedience.
In an added bonus, a smaller version of the molecule could be effective in an age-related eye disease. (A drug from Pfizer (nyse: PFE - news - people ) will reach the market first.) FDA approval of Avastin is expected by late March, but could come sooner.
The new unit is an acknowledgement by the company that Linux is coming of age and will be an integral part of its overall strategy.
Throughout the election, John McCain billed himself as the candidate with experience, the only one who could be trusted in an age of terrorism.
Mark Zuckerberg may be on the verge of settling an age-old philosophic conundrum: Are we known in this world by our words or our actions?
The Madoff case may be the most spectacularly successful example of an age-old phenomenon known as affinity fraud.
Carbon-14 decays into nitrogen at predictable rates, which is how it can be used to determine the age of an object.
Capital controls worked under the Bretton Woods system but it is not clear whether they can be enforced in an age where money can be transferred through the click of a mouse.
"We should not be dealing with it through the criminal courts unless we are satisfied that the child is of an age that they have the full understanding that should be involved in a criminal court procedure, " he said.
The invention of repeating firearms, which could be quickly reloaded and refired, largely brought an end to the age of the sword.
Laptops will be issued to every pupil, an initiative thought to be a first in the UK for students of that age, a spokesman added.
Bonds, such as the U.K. premium bond, can give the child a chance to be exposed monthly to the world of finance at an age when they would not understand other aspects of it.
Parliament will be given an opportunity to vote on the age of consent.
But the golden age of cyberactivism may be coming to an end.
The quintessential icons of our age can't be found in an REI outdoor gear store--like the would-be instant millionaire, thinking of opening an enviro-lodge.
This was because figures showed that "17- to 25-year-old boys are ten times more likely to be involved in an accident than a girl of a similar age", he added.
The solution to the fragmented audiences and plethora of technology that plague marketers can be tackled with an age-old process that many have become too busy to notice: a good story told by genuine people.
According to MetLife, one in five Americans over the age of 65 will either be sold an inappropriate investment for their circumstances, charged too much in fees on their money or become the victims of out-and-out financial fraud.
FORBES: When Larry Hagman Met the Financial Services Industry
He has produced an invaluable handbook for politicians, intelligence professionals, journalists and anyone else who wants to know what should and should not be done in the name of securing the state in an age of surprise, turbulence and implacably hostile terrorist networks that are more than capable of using the latest technology.
She says that more awareness of symptoms of autism is needed so children can be diagnosed at an earlier age.
The two-year time period in which an employee under the age of 26 could be fired would be reduced to one year.
An aircraft of that type and age would normally be expected to have logged little more than 30, 000 flights.
Surely such outgoing qualities will be vital for an IMF chief in an age where the role of financial markets in world affairs is becoming ever more prominent.
This is the contemporary French condition: how to keep on being French, how to be true to a certain conception of what France is, in an American Age.
"There needs to be an urgent review of drainage on the A55 taking into account the age of some sections of the road and our changing weather patterns, " he added.
BBC: A55 flooding 'needs urgent review' says AM Aled Roberts
But I was also one of those embarrassing cases who prayed to be a writer from an early age or, failing that, to find or invent some job for which I got to read books in air-conditioning.
And in an age of rapidly advancing technologies, being lean may be even more important.
In 2006 at the age of 67, Jones was thought to be concerned that an overly amorous fan could tear a chunk away in her excitement.