So I gathered all my stock options, monthly investing statements and every other financial document I thought might be of importance and headed into the office.
For a Likud-led government, with Mr Netanyahu at its helm, now with Mr Sharon beside him, to make a significant concession on territory could be of overarching importance in terms of Israel's future political alignments.
The Scorecard could not be of greater importance in judging the performance of those in Congress charged with this responsibility.
Firing missiles into a building, in daytime, to kill six people who do not appear to be of strategic importance is an excessive use of force.
It's easy for the game itself to be of secondary importance in such situations.
WSJ: Manchester United, Liverpool Make a Pitch for Empathy: Marcotti on Soccer
Indeed, it has long since ceased to be of central importance even to the local area.
But Dr Legato considers them to be of minor importance compared to other factors.
The directive protects animals and plant species, and their habitats, considered to be of European importance.
It could be of incalculable importance in dissipating sympathy for Saddam elsewhere in the Arab and Muslim worlds.
But neither fact nor theoretical reasoning demonstrates this to be of any importance.
FORBES: The War Against Big Banks Is A War Against Your Mind
To understand the world view behind strikers at factories should be of major importance for the Chinese government (and factory management).
This development would suggest that the other pillar of Israeli security strategic depth would be of greater importance than ever before.
Such data could be of enormous importance to Iraq, for example, in planning preemptive chemical or biological strikes against American or allied positions.
Dr Bo Netterstrom, from Bispebjerg Hospital in Denmark, said other stresses at work such as job insecurity "are likely to be of major importance".
The competition they face from budget hotels might not be of seismic importance to the world beyond Gwynedd, but it struck a chord with me.
Getting the balance right between these short- and long-run product aspirations, and the investments required to get the field there, will be of critical importance.
FORBES: Innovation Snapshot: Macrocyclic drugs to unlock new therapeutic targets
As investment returns diminish in the future, identifying and eliminating harmful conflicts, as well as recovering from past corruption, will be of greater importance than ever.
And though it is nice to choose a vehicle that provides the most investment options, the tax consequences of any given plan may be of greater importance.
If we are right, then the true cost of pension consultant corruption is enormous and cleaning up the consulting business should be of paramount importance to the country.
FORBES: Public Pension Shortfalls and Consultant Conflicts (September 1, 2002 )
And at least the heart of the scheme has doctors' firm backing: four-fifths of them told the poll cited above that providing national patient-care records would indeed be of real importance.
ECONOMIST: The NHS is to spend billions on IT. Will it be spent well?
In this work (complete with colour plates), Holmes shows how to identify the ash of 140 forms of tobacco from pipes, cigars and cigarettes information, he says, that may sometimes be of supreme importance in solving a crime.
What would be of foremost importance in this rebalancing process would be to bring the large trade surpluses and foreign-exchange reserves down and shifting the driver of economic growth from investment and exports to domestic consumption, argues Thornton.
Western governments have a great deal of information not readily available to the people of Romania which, if presented in an appropriate form, could be of extreme importance to an informed vote and a salutary outcome in the upcoming elections.
And although he will not take over straightaway the outgoing president remains in office until the end of the year how Mr da Silva handles the transition will be of critical importance in determining whether Brazil is heading for a full-blown economic crisis.
And this contribution to development in the real word is likely to be of far greater importance than that of any ivory-tower theorist.
The work was secured for the nation through the Acceptance in Lieu Scheme - administered by the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council (MLA) - which enables items deemed to be of historical or artistic importance to be given in place of inheritance tax.
But despite the incidence of tooth decay and erosion, the majority of youngsters do seem to be aware of the importance of dental hygiene - two thirds of them brush their teeth twice a day.
Is this just a misinformed opinion of my own or an issue to be dismissed of scant importance?
FORBES: We Get What We Pay For With Disastrous Climate Science
He said American had needed to be reminded of the importance of its pilots.
Ms Fleming was awarded the costs of this case as it was deemed to be of exceptional public importance.