Now that its bonds are rated junk, they will be off limits to investors that buy only investment-grade debt.
Eventually, they balanced the budget by dipping into the state's tobacco-settlement cash, which was meant to be off limits.
And nothing can be off limits, including spending in the tax code, particularly the loopholes that benefit very few individuals and corporations.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Cutting the Deficit and Creating Jobs
Unions are now threatening to extend the strike to the lucrative Easter Week, which they had previously said would be off limits.
CNN: Workers at Spain's Iberia airline step up strike action
Similarly, 401(k) plans and company matches tend to be off limits.
Rooney looked settled in his new surroundings, perhaps safe in the knowledge that once the initial ordeal was over, Ferguson would place him under strict protection and interviews would be off limits.
BBC: SPORT | Football | My Club | Man Utd | Rooney's ruthless edge
As long as the FCC fails to inject major amounts of spectrum into the marketplace, or strongly hints that future spectrum could be off limits to carriers with specific spectrum portfolios, the agency leaves companies facing capacity shortages in the near term with no solution other than secondary market purchases or to raise retail prices.
FORBES: Time For The FCC To Auction Off More Wireless Spectrum
Should the Gulf be put off limits, that shortfall has to be made up from somewhere.
The New York Times editorialized Wednesday that the Arctic should be kept off limits.
"You'd think she'd be off-limits to anything legitimate, " says Josh Richman, a well-known Los Angeles event director.
Because many rides have minimum height restrictions, make sure they understand which ones will be off-limits to them.
That means some parts will be off-limits, and you'll sign a waiver before setting foot on the platform.
The Liberal Democrat deputy leader said some areas should be "off limits" to stop Londoners being priced out.
But walking down the street, going to the gym or taking your children to school should be off-limits.
California's fishing industry was dismayed about the number of prime fishing spots that will be put off limits.
But even when the east Europeans have departed, debating the merits of immigration will no longer be off-limits in polite society.
Even dietary considerations should not be considered off limits given that beef farming, for example, requires nine times as much water as growing cereal crops.
FORBES: National Intelligence Council Report: Megatrends That Matter For Business
Also, flight routes into and out of the airport are expected to be varied to keep planes farther from the district, and additional airspace would be off-limits to the airlines.
Educators feared that all courses below university level might be ruled off limits to overseas students, even though between 40% and 50% of foreigners at British universities had taken an earlier course in Britain, usually to hone language or study skills.
The market for Japanese food imports in India is pretty small, so unclear whether this means other countries will be called to supply India while Japan is off limits.
FORBES: On Japan: Russia Sends Help, China Finds Radiation and India Bans Rice
Apple Chief Steve Jobs could be about to pull off yet another neat piece of jujitsu, using the limits placed by Microsoft on how netbook makers can use its software to set Apple apart from its low-end competitors.
It has allowed practice jerseys to be used as inventory for sponsors for the first time and opened up once-off-limits licensing deals with state lotteries and liquor labels.
FORBES: Proposal To Extend NFL Season Could Be Key To Avoiding Lockout
But now that Thanksgiving Day is no longer off limits at major players such as Target and Sears, Main Street retailers may be wondering if its time to close up shop for good.
FORBES: How Small Shops Can Compete With Big Box Retailers for Holiday Sales
Obama's decision came after he concluded that world oil markets can be adequately supplied even with a significant portion of Iran's 2.2 million barrels a day declared off limits.
Hafidz requested that both parties be disbanded for engaging in money politics, but the election law says that can be done only if parties break campaign finance limits or turn a profit - not if they misuse funds or buy off voters.