But that will be of scant consolation to those who believed the book, since 13 years later the Dow is at around 13, 000, not 36, 000.
From the release of financials to the mailing date could be just a matter of a scant few weeks, leaving no margin for error.
On the plains, there was nothing else to be seen: a vast, boundless expanse of scant grass under massive, low clouds, and no indication that a town might be near.
The watchword here is be careful of bonds with high yields and scant information.
In the current debates about "fairness" - that contemporary sop for the aspirations to what used to be called "equality" - there is scant acknowledgement of the paralysing impact of poverty on social mobility.
Germany may well not be in recession but the nature of the recovery and the scant prospects for its corporate base hardly justify a 34% gain in the Dax since March, while a 43% gain in the Italian MIB Index, and a 50% gain in the Austrian market are starting to starting to take on a distinctly bubbly appearance.
Incubators tend to be small units in much larger firms, addressing a universe of possibility with scant resources.
Reading this piece, one might be lead to believe that patent applications are given scant review prior to the granting of a patent, and that it is then close to impossible to have a patent declared invalid by a court of law.
The diligent work of the patent examiner could then easily be undone by a jury with scant qualifications for making such a decision.
Until recently, though, the evidence on Celebrex had been scant, with Pfizer pointing to lots of data indicating the drug might be different from Vioxx.
That will only be scant consolation to the Democrats, however, who will still face the daunting task of dislodging a mighty Republican majority of 49 in the House of Representatives.
Details of the renewed contract are scant, but many believe Icann has pledged to be more open about how it is run and how it spends its money.
Mr Howard also signalled there would be further weakening of workers rights, a review of competition policy and liberalisation of media ownership, but offered scant details.
Nevertheless, a spot-check of a Wal-Mart store by journos at the Hollywood Reporter found the discs to be in scant supply, with just a handful stacked haphazardly among the PSPs.