• Indeed, the new pontiff was known to be sceptical of the value of that inter-religious dialogue dear to the heart of his predecessor.

    ECONOMIST: Pope Benedict

  • EU. Otmar Issing, now chief economist at the European Central Bank, used to be sceptical of the very idea of a single European currency.

    ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

  • The long-term unemployed take longer to find work, because their skills and job connections erode and employers tend to be sceptical of their abilities and work habits.

    ECONOMIST: America's labour market: Something's not working | The

  • But Chileans may now be sceptical of the results.

    ECONOMIST: Re-crunching the numbers��whatever they might be

  • Moreover, unlike in 2010, a back-up in core market yields after potential announcements of further quantitative easing measures could be limited as investors may be sceptical of the positive growth effects of such measures.

    FORBES: Barclays Capital Bullish On Emerging Market Debt

  • Colombia's neighbours are right to be sceptical of the United States' initiative: recent history suggests it will lead not to the defeat of the drug industry, but to its dispersal (and with it, perhaps, the war) across Colombia's borders.

    ECONOMIST: South American dreams

  • There would be plenty of sceptical voices in any referendum campaign.

    ECONOMIST: France and Europe

  • For his part, Mr McIntyre says that his preference would not be for someone sceptical of anthropogenic global warming per se, but rather for someone familiar with the detailed issues that he and others have raised or, better yet, for a judge.

    ECONOMIST: Green.view

  • There are good reasons to be sceptical about the claims of greater efficiency made by the industry.

    ECONOMIST: Money to burn

  • There's good reason to be sceptical about a lot of Berezovsky's claims.

    BBC: Flamboyant businessman linked to Yeltsin's sackings

  • They regretted the fact that many newspaper editors tended to be sceptical about the level of public interest in science and thus reluctant to publish stories on science.

    UNESCO: Science Policy and Capacity-Building

  • And given Congress's history of fiscal irresponsibility, it is surely right to be sceptical about any strategy that expands entitlements today in the hope of forcing a fiscal crisis to win support for cost cuts tomorrow.

    ECONOMIST: Health reform

  • With no funding committed and enormous challenges ahead, there may well be plenty of reasons to remain sceptical about the nuclear industry's future.

    BBC: Hitachi's nuclear deal still faces hurdles

  • For the most part, the authors of these commentaries are sceptical: it would be difficult for economic historians (reluctant even to speculate except on the basis of decades of data) to be anything else.

    ECONOMIST: A century of progress

  • Young people were said to be among the most sceptical with just 11% of 15 to 24-year-old's surveyed last year believing organic produce is better for you than ordinary food.

    BBC: Public 'starting to doubt' organic food

  • It would be easy - very easy - to be sceptical, indeed, cynical about the outcome of the Commission on the Future Delivery of Public Services, chaired by Campbell Christie.

    BBC: Sympathetic ear for 'flawed' social report

  • Although, if opinion polls are to be believed, voters were sceptical about the chances of success, they were nonetheless willing, in effect, to acquiesce in the government's attempt to discover whether the old model of public services could be fixed with decent funding and a few tweaks.

    ECONOMIST: Bagehot

  • But although more typically tech-facing companies have warmed to remote working, many bosses remain sceptical of how productive their staff would be if they were not in sight.

    BBC: Technology allows digital nomads to work anywhere

  • The abrupt postponement of the reform package left Mr Koizumi's government scrambling to limit the damage and the prime minister insisting to an increasingly sceptical audience that there would be no watering down of the central elements of Mr Takenaka's proposals.

    ECONOMIST: Too weak to work? | The

  • He restricted his comments to urging the opposition to be "very careful" in its handling of the European issue and stating that he was "sceptical" that a vote on membership would be sensible at the moment.

    BBC: Euroscepticism like a virus, warns Blair

  • "People are still sceptical if the business model of Panasonic will be successful in the long run, " said Fukoku Capital Management's Mr Sakurai.

    BBC: Panasonic shares surge as it swings back into profit

  • While Fritzl might like to say he changed his plea after hearing his daughter's emotional evidence - that for the first time he was able to understand his daughter's feelings - from what I know of similar offenders, I would be extremely sceptical.

    BBC: Why did Fritzl change his mind?

  • Despite this, many politicians and drug-makers are still sceptical whether complex combinations of potentially dangerous drugs can be adequately supervised and monitored in isolated communities.

    BBC: Gene warning over HIV drug

  • Generally Sinn Fein has been keen to take powers away from the secretary of state, but I imagine republicans would be sceptical over devolving decisions on a border poll.

    BBC: United Ireland border poll call: diversions and u-turns

  • The research is instructive for economists sceptical that clear-cut evidence of corruption can ever be found.

    ECONOMIST: Economics focus

  • Even Laurence Golborne, Chile's energy ministry, acknowledged that it will now be harder to sell the idea of nuclear power to an already sceptical Chilean public.

    BBC: Barack Obama visits Chile amid nuclear debate

  • Manufacturers also know that, in the West, they will have to market vehicles to a design-literate generation that expects cars to be as well-designed as compact cameras or laptops while remaining sceptical of the classic corporate sales pitch.

    ECONOMIST: Car design

  • Sergio Amaral, the trade minister, is sceptical of this and has commissioned fresh studies, due to be released later this month.

    ECONOMIST: Trade in the Americas

  • An increase in short interest in line with climbing prices (when other factors are not an influence) is a pattern we see when short sellers are sceptical of the price move, and believe the securities to be overbought.

    FORBES: It Started With Tulips, Now Bubble-Watchers Are Looking To The Bond Market

  • Many people welcome the principle of choice, but are frankly sceptical that it will ever be given to them.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | In full: George Osborne speech

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