Over a month ago Anschutz hired Blackstone Group to be the investment banker on the deal.
The question a banker asks will not be what is the interest rate they will charge and what is the collateral.
But when it comes to filling these vacant executive positions, should the candidate be yet another banker, or preferably someone from a totally different sector?
To come around to the position that mortgage backed-securities should be avoided, a banker would have to conclude that the losses to these assets would exceed the cost of capital penalties.
FORBES: Chris Dodd's Incredibly Stupid Plan To Expand The Powers Of The Fed
It will be a mixture of the worker, the pensioner, the public service consumer, the taxpayer and the banker - and all politics right now is about what the mix should be.
He admits it can be uncomfortable being a banker at the moment.
When you are the world's greatest central banker, after all, you should be able to admit the odd mistake.
Finding all the right attributes in a single consultant can be a tall order, as one New York investment banker recently found out the hard way.
Mr Johansson, too, appears to be more of a thoughtful investment banker than the brash type.
ECONOMIST: The troubled Swiss bank seeks to import its saviours
It should be no surprise that the company's investment banker is now getting sucked into the mix.
Now CVC is waiting to see whether Mr Ecclestone will be charged in connection with the case involving the German banker, Gerhard Gribkowsky.
ECONOMIST: Can Formula One succeed without Bernie Ecclestone?
And perhaps the Schwarzman scholarship program will take more than one would-be hedge fund manager or investment banker or real estate impresario and, by showing them a different view of the world, lead them down another path entirely.
Money may be deposited first with a banker who is sympathetic to the cause.
Sharon Osberg , a national bridge champion who used to be a banker, told Forbes she plays bridge over the Internet as Buffett's partner five times a week.
It is quite easy to fit some policies aimed at the top and bottom of society in to this template - for example, as those with the broadest shoulders should bear the biggest burden, there would be a new levy on banker's bonuses.
The listing for Scenic with Rapid City Coldwell Banker can be seen here.
"Southampton used to be like the Upper East Side, " said Euan Rellie, an investment banker and Bridgehampton resident.
So any purchase would have to be big, and the right piece of the jigsaw, says an investment banker.
When business does come back it will be only at the level of five years ago, believes another senior investment banker.
ECONOMIST: Investment banking: Wall Street's annus horribilis | The
Cayne will be replaced as CEO by Bear's president, the well-regarded investment banker Alan Schwartz.
The only perp walk we've seen in Britain has been the giving of evidence to the Treasury select committee (Barclays' Bob Diamond's likely to be taking it the week after next) or the letter from Buckingham Palace to the banker formerly known as Sir Fred Goodwin.
Alan Greenspan, the chief central banker, has kindly signaled his tightening well ahead so positions could be unwound.
How could anyone in this generation of Goldman leadership possibly be approved for government service, and what politician want the public relations baggage of a tainted Goldman banker?
"This is ultimately going to be a political process, " said Ron Bloom, a former Lazard investment banker now with the United Steelworkers union, before the September Cleantech Group gathering.
You don't have to be a student or professor to be interested in the cost of buying a residence in a college town, says Jim Gillespie, Coldwell Banker's chief executive officer.
Despite that, some companies have done well by going overseas, where the sector is less crowded, and Corduro might be able to distinguish itself if it focused on another market, such as Latin America, said the banker.
His father, a leading banker in Nigeria, warned U.S. authorities before the attack that his son might be involved with Islamic extremists, but the information failed to prompt a response such as canceling the visa.
His father, a leading banker in Nigeria, had warned U.S. authorities before the attack that his son might be involved with Islamic extremists, but the information failed to prompt a response such as canceling the visa.
Assuming that neither Mr Pataki nor Ted Forstmann, a wealthy investment banker turned influential school-choice education reformer, could be persuaded to change their minds and run, the likeliest candidate would be Rick Lazio, a congressman from Long Island.
ECONOMIST: The New York Senate race: He said, she said | The