It's a large site and we need to be thoughtful and methodical about how it's developed.
She says better to be thoughtful and strategic and lay things out for the long haul.
"When you're graduating with honors, you've demonstrated ability to be thoughtful and look at all perspectives, " she said.
Protection of property and private enterprise is important but it should be thoughtful and settled, not reactionary and over broad.
Be thoughtful about your recruiting strategy, your practices, and what you reward.
He pressures executives and innovators to write essays and to be thoughtful and comprehensive when taking the podium at his strategy meetings.
FORBES: With Facebook, Apple and RIM Down, Why Is Amazon Up?
In so doing these super fans gained a fan following which reinforced their motivation to stay involved and to be thoughtful commentators.
But I do think that there's a way that we can still be open to new innovations in technology and also be thoughtful about our purchasing power.
Be thoughtful and respectful to your hosts and their communities.
Be thoughtful not only about all of the stuff we talk about openly (design, business model, user interaction, hiring, and culture) but also be thoughtful about this stuff too.
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The pain in Spain does not negate the value of renewables, but it does point out the need to be thoughtful and deliberate about both the goals and the methodologies of a proactive energy policy.
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Federal tightening, he said, would outweigh state and local spending, and so he asked President Obama and Congress to be thoughtful of the near-term impact of their longer-term attempts at putting the U.S. on a sound fiscal path.
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It may take longer than one holiday season to build a culture of remarkable customer experience, but if you want to create one this holiday season, start by truly caring, and think about what it means to be thoughtful, considerate, and attentive to a customer.
FORBES: Give the Holiday Gift of a Remarkable Customer Experience
Companies need to be very thoughtful when making decisions around compensation for their employees.
Second, besides being a fiery prosecutor, Mr Leggett can also be a thoughtful and agreeable companion.
Simply put, do not make this decision lightly and be very thoughtful before committing to it.
Throughout all these exchanges and all the work that we've done I've always found President Aquino to be a thoughtful and very helpful partner.
Daschle predicted movement toward the pact's approval will slow and there will be more thoughtful consideration in Congress than existed the last few months.
CNN: AllPolitics - Senate Democrats Prep For Trade, Tobacco Deal
At least they're likely to be more thoughtful than plaintiffs' lawyers.
Everyone will have to be more thoughtful with their choices.
Other studies have found that older individuals tend to be more thoughtful about their purchases, buying for a specific use as opposed to being motivated by being the first in the know.
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It is about, you know, mostly, though, encouraging folks to be more thoughtful about the things that we get when we shop locally, which is about a culture of learning, but it's also about a local tax base.
Yet they can be introspective and thoughtful and find joy in the finer things of life too.
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And I think we need to be much more thoughtful about the kinds lessons we are teaching inadvertently.
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Successful leaders, in particular, must be engaged in thoughtful public dialogue regarding the key issues and challenges facing their organizations.
But that effort should be driven by thoughtful consideration, not political calculation.
Even if you learn things about the job during the interview process that make you refine your initial strategy, you will have proven yourself to be confident, thoughtful and impassioned.
Is this supposed to be serious, thoughtful, nuanced commentary?
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As the complexities of her tortured past become clear -- as clear as anything ever becomes in the script -- Silvia also reveals herself to be rueful, thoughtful, movingly haunted and, in the eyes of Tobin, the hard-charging Secret Service agent, deeply untrustworthy as an ear witness.
There are tons of lessons to be had through the thoughtful mining of this knowledge base.