Be true to who you are, and deliver your brand seamlessly across all touch points.
He urged members to be true to their concerns and vote against the motion.
But if they cannot or will not, shouldn't they be true to their faith?
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"She inspires me to try new things but to be true to myself, " she said.
It was not done to be politically correct, but to be true to the facts.
But we think it's important, nevertheless, to be true to our ideals and our values.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds Town Hall with Chinese Youth
I'm always going to be true to my personality and true to myself, but you also learn.
It would probably be true to say that Rousselot had never felt so good in his life.
I've incorporated is - be true to your teeth and they will not be false to you.
You can't worry about what people think about you - you can only be true to yourself.
Such tactics might sell more tickets, "but wouldn't be true to the core of the film, " she says.
He could be true to a variety of characters while remaining recognisably Garrick.
It's our job to be true to it and yet to make it new every time we get on stage.
We won not because we surrendered our values but because we finally had the courage to be true to them.
Not only is this more lucrative, the resulting product is more likely to be true to the spirit of the original.
If he's right, it would be true to form for small investors.
She taught me how to navigate this business and life itself with grace and humor, and to always be true to yourself.
So, the question should not be if they should be allowed, but if they should be allowed to be true to who they are.
September, he believes, will be true to form as the year's worst month for stocks, although the subsequent rally, he says, should run through December.
Be true to your values while adding value for your audiences.
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The United Kingdom is a land of contradiction and paradox and tonight's show will only be true to this country's complex personality if it celebrates both.
Last year the Girl Guides in Australia dropped their allegiance to both God and the Queen, agreeing to serve their community and be true to themselves instead.
This is the contemporary French condition: how to keep on being French, how to be true to a certain conception of what France is, in an American Age.
In a statement shortly after the GOP results were announced, Kolbe said he "would not be true to my own principles" if he endorsed Graf for the general.
That might be true to some extent, but the textile and apparel industry in Brazil and throughout Latin America has lost market share abroad and domestically to China competitors.
Possible alternatives to the current wording include, "do my duty to God", "be true to a higher ideal" or "serve the highest truth and love faithfully at all times".
But the first rule of CSR (and of consulting in any other area) is to be true to your own social purpose, and that means only getting in bed with the right partners.
The consultation asks respondents to express their preferences for alternatives such as "do my duty to God", "be true to a higher ideal" and "serve the highest truth and love faithfully at all times".