We expect margins to be under pressure due to slower economic recovery and intensifying competition.
The coalition will be under pressure to reverse losses it suffered in 2008, our correspondent adds.
BBC: Malaysian PM Najib Razak paves way for general election
Now Saji will be under pressure to find new ways to expand, particularly outside of Japan.
Stocks will be under pressure, and, once again, most will end up the year lower.
We know for a fact that the Australians don't like to be under pressure.
But if Spain dips into the pot, Britain may be under pressure to contribute.
Russell admitted in September that Maynard's position could be under pressure, but gave him his personal backing.
The incoming education secretary will also be under pressure to reverse the long-term difficulties with teacher shortages.
Any additional cash would be welcomed by Rangers, who continue to be under pressure financially from their bankers.
Agencies will be under pressure to react faster and issuers will be hit harder if they are downgraded.
"We were always going to be under pressure, with some of the class players they have, " said Kerr.
Because growth-stock buyers are sensitive to long-term interest rates, the stocks will be under pressure with strong GDP growth.
There are indications that some well known politicians could be under pressure to hold on to their Assembly seats.
"You can't come to places like this and think you're not going to be under pressure, " admitted the Argyle boss.
First, it may signal that growth for their business is tapering off or may be under pressure from new entrants.
Trip Chowdhry of Global Equities Research says Dell's stock also appears to be under pressure from concerns over component shortages.
The Nielsen rating system, used to charge for ads and to determine which shows live and die, will be under pressure.
He will also be under pressure to reach out to Turkish Cypriots in the north of the island, our correspondent says.
Mr Brown will be under pressure not to alienate the middle class swing voters who have backed new Labour since 1997.
With the fast food industry being highly competitive, leading to easy availability of substitutes, McDonalds would be under pressure to increase prices.
Near-term earnings will undoubtedly be under pressure, so you need some patience.
Despite the current gains in gross long positions, Commerzbank said prices for metals could be under pressure as investors practice risk aversion.
FORBES: Speculators Increase Bullish Gold, Silver Positions, Cut PGMs -- CFTC Data
If, as is possible, he becomes the next speaker of parliament, he will be under pressure to give up his council post.
In choosing his transition team, and the members of his new government, he will be under pressure to make his policy intentions much clearer.
If there is to be political strife in Indonesia though, the market will be under pressure and the impact on Asia will be negative.
On February 24th, Moody's, another rating agency, said that some German life insurers will be under pressure for several years because of their weak capitalisation.
Though the losses were not severe enough on Friday to confirm a top, the action does suggest that stocks are likely to be under pressure this week.
Steel said prices could continue to be under pressure because of end-of-year liquidation and book-squaring by hedge funds and money managers, and weakness in oil and other commodities.
With yields that low, property prices will probably be under pressure in coming years, as more and more couples like the Wollacks figure they are better off renting.