"Einstein Tomb, " Woods mischievously submitted, would be transported throughout the heavens on a beam of light.
WSJ: A Man Outside His Time | Lebbeus Woods | SFMOMA | By Richard B. Woodward
Is the best beam of light one by a window, or encircling a bed?
Channelling Grace Kelly, she inhabits the stage like a beam of light, rendering everyone else as hapless and transfixed as moths.
An optical mouse uses a beam of light and an optical sensor to detect movement over a surface -- there are no moving parts.
' and he said 'I imagine myself sitting on a beam of light and travelling through space and I said now what will I see?
BBC: Philip Glass: Have a sleep during Einstein on the Beach
To measure the refractive indices of different parts of a cell they use a technique called interferometry, which involves splitting a beam of light in two.
But Dr Zheludev has found that a similar effect can be achieved by keeping the temperature stable and using a beam of light to manipulate gallium's metallic nature.
Last year, OPERA measured that neutrinos were making the 454-mile (730-kilometer) underground trip between the two labs more speedily than light, arriving there 60 nanoseconds earlier than a beam of light would.
The liquid acts as an additional lens, narrowing the beam of light just as a telescope turns what looks to the naked eye like a smudge on the horizon into a crisp image.
When a beam of light is focused by the cornea and the lens, at the front of the eye, on to the retina, at the back, it stimulates photosensitive cells known as rods and cones.
Mobeam converts barcodes, coupons, loyalty cards and gift cards into a beam of light that can be read by every one of the estimated 165 million laser scanners in use today by retailers around the world.
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This exploits one of the predictions of Einstein's general theory of relativity: that the path of a beam of light (which is a straight line in empty space) is bent inwards by the gravity of a massive object.
ECONOMIST: Cosmology: I spy with my little gravitational lens | The
Optical correlators, meanwhile, work by encoding images on to a beam of light and, using a special lens, transforming them into their Fourier components building-blocks that encode the thickness and direction of lines in the image, but not their position.
At dawn, he could see that but for the roadside oaks everything was gone, burned off the face of the earth as if by a powerful beam of light, the house standing naked and singed in a field of white ash.
In the researchers' new imaging system, a beam of infrared laser light is widely dispersed throughout a room.
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The main appeal of using an energy beam to shoot things is that it travels at the speed of light, which means, in practice, that it will hit whatever it is aimed at.
This generates the coherent light of a laser beam in the core of a long, thin optical fibre.
From a standing start, the reconstructed beam sped back up to the normal speed of light.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Cool clouds turn light to matter
In a process similar to printing a photograph, engineers beam high-powered light through a masklike image of the chip, thus creating a duplicate on a silicon wafer.
Ram's heavy duty 2500 and 3500 models come with a rear-facing camera built into the center-mounted brake light behind the cab that can beam images of a trailer or the cargo in the bed into the truck's dashboard screen.
In a process similar to printing a photograph, engineers beam high-powered light through a mask-like image of the chip, creating a duplicate on a silicon wafer.
That happens because, provided those electrons that have given off light are quickly pumped back to their excited states, the light bouncing around between the mirrors will stimulate the production of yet more light and a powerful, coherent beam will emerge.
The light source is polarized by a Polarized Beam Splitter and reflects off of each of the chips.
More modern versions of the tool add in a laser beam projector, which allows builders to level out the device and "draw" a long line of light across a wall, indicating an exactly level surface.