It started with the final stages of a big bull market, then we got the second biggest bear market since the Great Depression, a five-year bull market in which stocks over doubled, the biggest bear market since the Great Depression, and the massive start of a new bull.
The past five years pick up only one year of the bear market but four of the bull market.
The 2007-2009 bear market bottomed in March, 2009 when the current bull market began.
We had another mini bear market from 2007 to 2009, and another smaller bull market from 2009 to most recently this spring.
Our ratings for domestic stock funds look at long-term performance over four bull and bear market cycles stretching back 12 years.
He doesn't care whether there's a bull or bear market occurring.
Chart Analysis : In either a bull or bear market, whether you are talking about a stock, ETF, or commodity, it is common to see a series of flag formations.
Investors would do well to set aside these simplistic asset allocation questionnaires and canned computer programs used by advisors and replace them with some serious soul searching about their true financial needs, as well as reviewing their investment behavior during strong bull and bear market.
Others lenders were willing to extend higher amounts of credit than the company was seeking, but in our view, the debt to equity ratio they were being offered was not healthy for the company, and not something that Hercules would support in either a bull or bear market.
FORBES: Back to the Future: How To Fund A 21st Century Startup
Does that mean that the current secular bear market will last until 2017, but that the current cyclical bull market will last a couple more years, and not end until it has reached its peak of 2000 again?
FORBES: This Bull Market Could Hit Old 2000 Peak Before Ending
Risk is captured in our fund survey by the separate grades for bull market and bear market results.
His advice encourages investors to seek the benefits of preparation and risk management, the essential elements for investing through this secular bear toward the next secular bull market.
FORBES: Managing Your Retirement Fund In A Secular Bear Market
We had the 2000 crash, otherwise known as the dot-com crash, which was a bear market lasting from 2000 to 2002, and we had a mini bull market from 2003 to 2007.
And once they get out, usually due to painful losses, they tend to stay away from another relationship with the market for very long periods, like those who have been on the sidelines since the big bear market plunge of 2008 and early last year, not enticed back in for even part of the new bull market that began early last year.
FORBES: Riding The Rallies And Shorting The Slides In A Big, Long Bear Market
If so, that would be more characteristic of a bear market rally rather than a new once-in-a-lifetime bull market.
This level represents the bottom of the major gap lower CMG experienced early in the second half of July, a gap down that took shares of Chipotle Mexican Grill from bull market territory to bear market territory overnight.
In a bear market the convert holds up better than the common stock, but in a bull market it will not rise dollar for dollar with the stock.
Then, there are some who posit this is a cyclical bull market in a secular bear.
And, of course, Kaplan is a young manager, still innocent of long-term bear markets, and prone to bull-market-baby syndrome.
After a late '40s bear, the Dow went on a bull market run that lasted from 1949 to 1961, its longest ever.
The first cyclical bull market since the secular bear market began, carried the market back up to its peak of 2000 before the 2007-2009 cyclical bear market took over.
FORBES: This Bull Market Could Hit Old 2000 Peak Before Ending
But it is pretty much agreed that when the market topped out in March 2000 it was the end of the long 1982-2000 secular bull market, and beginning of a 2000 to who knows when secular bear market.
It was 17 years again, in 1923, before the sideways secular bear market ended and the market broke out above 100 for good, launching into the powerful bull market to the 1929 peak.
Rowe Price Latin America Fund, which FORBES rates A for bull market performance and B for bear markets.
As I said in March 2007, you cannot have a bull market for stocks with a bear market in financials.
FORBES: Handicapping Dow Stocks Reporting This Week: Buy IBM And Three Others
And the disbelievers often feel vindicated, when after 3, 4, 5, 7, however many years of big bull market returns, a new bear market starts.
The more difficult question to answer is whether the surge is the start of a long-term bull market or simply yet another bear-market rally, like those Japan enjoyed in the 1990s.
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In secular bear markets the periodic cyclical bull markets can be exciting and profitable, like the 2003-2007 bull market, and the current one, but are only temporary and the secular bear market takes over again.
"I am more scared about missing the bull market than I am about a bear market, " bubbles Kaplan.