"That happens in part is because of the way that Reddit is technologically designed, " says Erik Martin, the site's general manager.
BBC: Reddit's rise: Can the social news service stay popular?
That's partly because they are structured in a way that doesn't require them to sell securities to pay departing investors, an action that can trigger capital gains.
He dressed the funding proposal up in geoengineering language because that was the way to get funds - a tactic scientists in all fields have used down the years in order to ensure their research happens (witness the boom in "bioterror"-related research after the US anthrax scares of 2001).
They argue that this happens because the enzymes move in such a way that it becomes possible for protons to quantum tunnel.
That is because electronic paper does not need backlighting in the way that liquid-crystal displays do (see article) and making beads or capsules change colour does not take much energy.
But military and civilians alike may soon lose access to this critical treatment because of flaws in the way that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) purchase medical devices.
There are families that are going to be directly impacted in a positive way because of the work that you do.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks to Environmental Protection Agency Staff | The White House
And a classic persuasion mistake is to assume that because we would react in a certain way to praise or criticism, others will react that way, also.
This, of course, will force a huge accommodation in the world because our system is laid out in such a way that many of us travel 50 or 60 miles to work.
It was clear from my visit that people valued the work and saw this country in a different way because of the work that you were doing.
Risks aside, however, some in the industry believe midnight debuts are a good thing because they attract crowds and publicity in a way that doesn't happen at 7 p.m.
But its national team has never played that way because, in his view, no one ever demanded it.
WSJ: For Jurgen Klinsmann, Mediocrity Will Not Be Tolerated��U.S. Men's National Soccer Team
And I think I'm very lucky in that way, because in South Africa, there are not enough work for actors and actresses.
People might have hoped for better from the Senate, but now we know that was a mistake, because a majority of its members have voted in a way that shows an utter contempt for the public.
They want to keep the country together: respect the Muslim communities, but deal with the extremists in our ranks because that is a way of maintaining our society and that is honestly the only way we can solve this problem.. this.
And that's the problem with an approach that gives massive tax cuts to the wealthy, and it's also the problem with an approach that arbitrarily cuts spending for in the way that the sequester does, because it causes great harm to people who should not be bearing the burden of this on their own.
And I think fans recognized that maybe in a way that media doesn't always because, in a certain level, we understand that like, yes, we'd rather he not be doing steroids.
He adds that some medical professionals are colluding with industry, because of the financial incentives being offered, in a way that is "not compatible for a doctor to look after their patients".
Because it will be framed in a way that Republicans will have no choice but to submit.
RNAi is exciting partly because it shows that some genes work in a way scientists hadn't imagined four years ago.
Did it work out that way because the women in my early life were so present and the man so much trouble?
Their union is, unsurprisingly, unhappy about this because it is being done in a way that may cut the pay of its members.
"They were incredible men, because they seemed to teach me that in a way I wasn't only an artist, but I was also a citizen, " Sher said.
The massive amount of data utilized for How Money Walks is exciting not because there is so much of it, but because it has been translated in a way that is both new and relevant.
FORBES: Doing More With Data: Lessons From Facebook, Zappos, and Beyond
"It occurred to me that we have to have a way that if a guy is in danger because of his testimony, we have to get him out of there, and in a second, " said Shur, 79, who is now retired.
But I do believe that there is a way to approach world issues in cartoons that, because women are under-represented in this field, is waiting to be heard.
FORBES: Cartoons By Women Around The World Are A Needed Perspective
That's my entire orientation, and how do I do that in a way that doesn't waste taxpayer money -- because, as I said, people in other industries would love help, as well, and I've got to be fair to people who aren't in the auto industry.
Perhaps the reason so many people are in the dark is because they want it that way.
WSJ: Best of the Web Today: Not the Drones They Thought They Knew
Bradley, 26, and Simpson, 27, started using belly putters when they were in college, simply because they putted better that way.
And effective - because we are doing all this in a way that strengthens our economy and enhances the status of our universities.