But, as James Murdoch conceded yesterday at the Leveson Inquiry, News Corporation did not want this further lengthy scrutiny - because time is money.
So Bank of America is already spending time and money because of Assange even though it is not completely clear whether Assange is targeting Bank of America or some other bank.
Here Americans are worried about their safety in Mexico when one of the reasons the Mexican government is having such a difficult time fighting the drug cartels is because the enemy has plenty of money and guns.
"I'm saving the school money because every minute of my time is valuable, " she said.
It has no risk because it is your own money, but its term is equal to the time it takes to pay off the loan.
No doubt, Butler and VCU have much lesser budgets, in large part because neither school has a big-time football program, which is where the REAL money is made.
FORBES: Final Four Benefits from Parity, But There's A Big Downside
But most of the impact will be next year because infrastructure funds, even once the money is available, takes a long time to be spent as federal, state and local governments secure the necessary approvals and seek bids for the work.
Ms. Lane is putting a portion of her refund toward a long trip to Southeast Asia, in part because the cost of living there is lower, which will save her money during her time between roles.
Understanding the keys to employee engagement is important because employee retention can be a major source of savings in both training time and money.
It is not in my interest to bloat government with wasteful programs, because every time I spend money on a program that doesn't work, that's money that I'm not spending on early childhood education that would make a difference in a child's life -- (applause) -- or on college scholarships to send kids to school.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds a Town Hall in New Hampshire
One example that Lodish admires: auto dealers that pitch the notion that now is a good time to buy a big vehicle because the discount will save customers more than enough money to compensate for the extra fuel costs over four or five years.
The money markets rely more on trust than transparency because transactions are so quick that there is little time to assess information.
In theory, this is safe, because it is highly unlikely that all the bank's depositors will demand their money back at the same time.
There is something thrilling and intoxicating about the entrepreneurial leap, and passion is absolutely vital because getting a new business off the ground takes a lot more time, energy, and money than most founders expect.