The largest ever, caught off Nova Scotia, weighed 1, 496 pounds, half the weight of a Volkswagen Beetle.
The piece is a disassembled 1976 Volkswagen Beetle that appears to be exploding in midair.
Many cars have overtaken us, driving around my Beetle as if it were a huge pothole.
He first had the idea of setting up a Beetle club 15 years ago.
The Asian Longhorn Beetle attacks not only the elm but a range of broadleaved trees.
The New Beetle makes its debut in an auto market that has accelerated lately.
As with the mountain bark beetle, it is not entirely clear why this is happening.
It was typical of the hip, irreverent advertising that gave the Beetle its counterculture appeal.
The engineers ultimately decided to attach two of the spiral beams to each beetle's thorax.
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Together, they push the Beetle, down this street, up that street, into and out of potholes.
Organic farms had more beetles and butterflies, but conventional farms had more species of beetle.
The hypothesis is that this behaviour marks the moment the beetle takes its bearings.
Shamsundar, founder of the Bangalore Beetle Club, has been passionate about Beetles for more than 20 years.
As in all VW's of recent vintage, the Beetle's interior trim lacks a certain richness and solidity.
WSJ: 2012 Volkswagen Beetle Review: The Beetle Mans Up | Rumble Seat by Dan Neil
But an old green Volkswagen Beetle inches past the plaza, a loudspeaker roaring scratchily from its roof.
In the past, such beetle-browed heavyweights as Broderick Crawford, Ernest Borgnine, and Bob Hoskins have played Hoover.
Our guide easily picked up a prehistoric dung beetle before setting it free to scurry over droppings left by elephants.
The Forestry Commission has warned that a beetle, imported from China, could do "extensive damage" to British woodlands.
At the time, his wheels were a classic VW Beetle and a Fiat Abarth "as an everyday drive".
In 1946, a man chopping wood in Oregon noticed several timber beetle larvae chewing through the logs around him.
Others, like the Volkswagen Beetle, which was killed in part by safety regulations, are resurrected after many dormant years.
Buying a vintage Beetle in India today is far more costly, he says.
In Massachusetts, surveying found five infested trees within a two-mile radius of where the beetle turned up in Dalton.
This makes the Beetle central to the carmaker's ambitions to revive the Volkswagen brand's position in the US market.
But for the time being, Dr Dacke is concentrating on the dung beetle.
Ranging in size from a wastepaper basket to a Volkswagen Beetle, its contraptions, known as feeders, weigh and distribute ingredients.
Carmakers have overhauled old designs for the modern era: Volkswagen's New Beetle and the new Fiat 500 are obvious examples.
After it sent on sale in late July, the Beetle TDI sold 107 units in the U.S. market in August.
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As an example, he cited the pine beetle infestation of this summer in the forests of Colorado and western Canada.
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Now me, if I were making the Beetle manlier, I'd have done something totally unorthodox, like make it insanely fast.
WSJ: 2012 Volkswagen Beetle Review: The Beetle Mans Up | Rumble Seat by Dan Neil