He said that as a result, there would be "a number of changes", including beginning a project to improve end-of-life care and implementing a new system of appointment booking to deal with a backlog of operations.
However, Morales from the beginning tried to impose a project while ignoring an electoral minority with a real power on the ground.
Specialists in the outsourcing and crowdsourcing field are beginning to project ahead to a near term horizon where companies make significantly more use of their own private or public crowds.
As a young woman growing up in Louisiana, a career in the Foreign Service was never really on my list of life dreams -- but all that changed, beginning with graduate school and a research project in Africa that opened my eyes to the possibilities of diplomatic life.
He led the Supernova Cosmology Project beginning in 1988, and Prof Schmidt and Prof Riess began work in 1994 on a similar project known as the High-z Supernova Search Team.
Santiano is now beginning work on a book about the concept of the project that will accompany the official launch of the app.
Awarding a contract and beginning construction of the network is a major step in what has often been a contentious and controversial project.
Traditional management assumes perfect predictability in which the entire project can be laid out from beginning to end, with a beautiful product coming out at the end of it.
And the Human Genome Project led to advances in genetics which have put us at the beginning of a road to personalised healthcare.
Happytat, a new charity recycling project in Stokes Croft, Bristol, opened at the beginning of December to raise funds for recovering addicts and homeless people.
The art of building a great customer experience starts with Design Thinking and is captured at the beginning of any enterprise project.
FORBES: The New Art And Science Of Great Customer Experience
"This is very exciting: Voyager is beginning to explore the final frontier of our Solar System, " said Edward Stone, a Voyager project scientist based at California Institute of Technology.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Voyager 'at edge of Solar System'
Hanford became a focal point of U.S. nuclear efforts beginning in 1943, when aspects of the Manhattan Project were moved there.