This is vital for Manhattanites in August, when the city becomes a steaming, belching, flesh-roasting hellpit.
Even as Syracuse's population topped out at 221, 000 in 1950, the city's smokestack-based economy began belching.
Bumper-to-bumper traffic, diesel-belching vans, and groups of school children on bicycles jam the roads.
The carbonation and artificial sweeteners in soda can also lead to bloating, belching and excess flatulence.
They are not heard shouting at each other, fake-belching at each other or telling on each other.
They are belching out dark water - "a stunning sight", one scientist said.
Despite our growing up among the gray, smoke-belching factories of northern New Jersey, you somehow grasped the beauty and stillness of nature.
That's the giant gap now belching wide between old-economy and new-economy valuations.
They focused instead on rapid industrial growth, falling unemployment, and belching smokestacks.
Health officials also propose to close the country's seven worst dioxin-belching incinerators.
But Paul Jesson's Sir Toby, belching and farting on a purple sofa with the doddering, death's-head Aguecheek of David Bradley, is no jolly knight.
Both nights I was awakened by a pod of hippos providing a little night music: belching, bickering, grunting, and snorting their way toward sunrise.
The collapse of East Germany in 1990 forced many inefficient, pollution-belching factories and power plants out of business, cutting Europe's emissions as a side benefit.
No consumer electronics company is belching out wares with a seven-year plan, and it pains us to see most mainstream automakers sticking to the lines of convention.
In a pitch for nonsmoker discounts, a Daihyaku Mutual Life TV ad shows two alluring women at a bar, one a prim nonsmoker, the other belching out a cloud smoke.
Deputy Hales says privately owned buses careened thru Santiago's streets, belching black smoke and competing for passengers in what appeared to be more a high-speed chase than a mass transit system.
The Internet doesn't produce belching smokestacks or toxin-spewing drainpipes.
In a pitch for nonsmoker discounts, a Daihyaku Mutual Life TV ad shows two alluring women at a bar, one a prim nonsmoker, the other belching out a cloud of tobacco smoke.
We get flying dragons, a breathless opening sequence in which Gandalf (Ian McKellen) plummets down a belching abyss, and Shadowfax, a flawless white horse who will gallop in from nowhere, though only in slow-motion.
Side effects from the supplements are uncommon, but some report a fishy aftertaste, nausea, bloating and belching. (Try storing the supplements in the freezer to minimize the taste.) Supplements for cholesterol: What works?
Standing at the lip of the lava lake you can see why the locals see this as "the gateway to hell", as the incandescent bubbling lava lake hisses like some badly burned porridge cauldron, overturning and occasionally belching molten lava.
Finally, our train heaves out of the station and past the creeks of Mombasa Island, belching out plumes of thick smoke as we swoop around shanty towns where corrugated iron roofs glisten in the rain, and ditches where frogs croak in the darkness.
From the viewing platform, visitors are encircled by the 15m-high and 60m-long view, from the neighbourhood of Kreuzberg in the west to the Mitte district in the east, with the iconic spike of the Fernsehturm television tower, smoke-belching factories and dilapidated houses dominating the horizon.
Six months later the image still sears Brown's mind, but he conjures up another one: an even more crippling new wave of attacks that might come next, puncturing the U.S.' technology underbelly and disabling the networks that keep nuclear missiles in their silos, the lights on in hospitals and automatic teller machines belching out cash.
Six months later the image still sears Brown's mind, but he conjures up another one: an even more crippling new wave of attacks that might come next, puncturing the nation's technology underbelly and disabling the networks that keep nuclear missiles in their silos, the lights on at hospitals, milk on store shelves and ATMs belching out cash.