So what are the chances of meeting your neighbour from Belfast, Northern Ireland, wandering around Central Quay?
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Shane accepts that Belfast is Northern Ireland's key economic driver, but says government must redress what he calls "the rural imbalance".
David Harrison, a 23-year-old hacker in Belfast, Northern Ireland, claims to be the first to package the procedure in an all-inclusive piece of software that can be downloaded for free.
In Belfast, Northern Ireland, where the White Star Line's most infamous ship was built, a new museum opened last month complete with interactive, hands-on exhibits, adding to a growing list of museums dedicated to the disaster, including one in Southampton, the point from which the ship set sail.
Six bars in Belfast owned by Northern Ireland's biggest pub chain have been sold.
"The hugely successful opening of Titanic Belfast has already helped to generate massive worldwide publicity for Belfast and for Northern Ireland, " Mr Gibbons said.
"This was an attack on my, and the SDLP's, right to represent and speak out for a better Belfast and reconciled Northern Ireland, " she said.
According to the most recent ABC newspaper sales figures, the Belfast Telegraph remained Northern Ireland's biggest selling daily paper with a circulation of 53, 771 between July and December 2011, down 8.1% on the same period in 2010.
"Botanic Inns is an iconic brand for the city of Belfast and right across Northern Ireland, " he said.
Among those who have lent their support to keeping the ship in Belfast is the former Northern Ireland Office minister, Sir Richard Needham.
First Minister Peter Robinson, who is also the East Belfast MP, said Northern Ireland was "reeling from a massive blow" after a week of job losses.
Last month, the BBC bought a total of 30 food products at random for testing from supermarkets, shops and butchers in Belfast and elsewhere in Northern Ireland.
Violence linked to the feud also spread out of Belfast to other areas of Northern Ireland, including counties Antrim and Londonderry.
Perhaps not surprisingly Belfast comes out top in Northern Ireland.
Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams has called on the Irish Deputy Prime Minister (Tanaiste) Eamon Gilmore to visit east Belfast when he is in Northern Ireland on Thursday for political talks.
As the feud violence spread from Belfast to other parts of Northern Ireland, there were a number of attacks on houses in Carrickfergus, Larne and Ballymena, County Antrim and in Londonderry.
The proposal emerged following a fifth night of disturbances in Portadown, Belfast and other parts of Northern Ireland - but the unrest was not on the same scale as on previous nights.
Britain's Secretary of State for Northern Ireland rushes to Belfast for a series of crisis meetings.
The Scot was chasing a second successive ranking title after winning the Northern Ireland Trophy in Belfast last month.
In common with the Northern Ireland Assembly, Belfast City Council uses the D'Hondt system to decide how posts are divided out.
On an otherwise bleak day for job losses in Northern Ireland, east Belfast engineering firm Central Group Services announced it was closing with the loss of about 50 jobs.
At the Belfast rally, organised by the Northern Ireland Committee of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (Ictu), assistant general secretary Peter Bunting said Stormont must not "slavishly" cut back on the say-so of the government in London.
The dock is currently maintained by the Northern Ireland Science Park in Belfast's Titanic Quarter.
He has raised private finance in Dublin, the United States and Belfast following difficulties with the banks in Northern Ireland.
BBC: Northern Ireland's business angels who act like dragons
The Dean of Belfast, Houston McKelvey, accused the Northern Ireland Tourist Board and the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure of not doing enough to promote the Cathedral Quarter.
The 65-page document, signed in Belfast in 1998, led to the Northern Ireland assembly and executive being set up, new cross-border institutions involving the Irish Republic and a body linking devolved assemblies across the UK with Westminster and Dublin.
The former senior Northern Ireland policeman is addressing a Belfast conference on child protection.
The comedy was filmed in Belfast and Downpatrick and was funded partly by Northern Ireland Screen.
In Northern Ireland, 200, 000 Belfast customers were hit by a blackout on Friday evening due to an electrical fault.
The Romanian ambassador to the UK, Dr Ion Jinga, has travelled to Belfast to meet with the Romanians and the Northern Ireland authorities.