If we zoom in we can clearly see the blue line even slip below zero.
Game-time temperature was 13 below zero, with wind chills making it feel like 48 below.
Swirling winds whipping off the Ohio River made it feel like 59 degrees below zero.
Temperatures for the morning commute in the North Star State stayed well below zero.
With cargo doors open and temperatures below zero, the roses need to be moved quickly.
The temperature reached more than 30 below zero in the winter, over 100 degrees in the summer.
Residents of Rugby, North Dakota, suffered through wind chills of 51 degrees below zero early Monday morning.
And with subarctic temperatures that often drop below zero, staying active outdoors is out of the question.
The new orders index also remained below zero, at -7.8, while the shipments index was positive at 3.0.
It operates at 450 degrees below zero Fahrenheit (268 degrees below zero Celsius).
The GDP growth rate can dip below zero as Nasdaq cannot, for example.
The move below zero for the first time was seen as largely symbolic.
BBC: Negative interest rates idea floated by Bank's Paul Tucker
It also renders conventional monetary policy impotent, as the interest rate that prevents too much saving is below zero.
People in the Upper Midwest who have been dealing with temperatures below zero are likely to have little sympathy.
Temperatures at the 5:30 CST kickoff are forecast to be in the single digits, with wind chills falling below zero.
Jersey's Met Department Forecaster Mark Le Cornu said there could be below zero temperatures and sleet or snow by morning.
The temperature on Eros is estimated to vary between 100 degrees Celsius during the day and 150 below zero during the night.
And with temperatures of 22 degrees below zero and wind gusts of up to 100 mph, it's living up to that reputation.
Despite wind chills that have dipped to 35 below zero outside, it is warm inside, and business has been good, she says.
Temperatures at the altitudes UAVs fly drop to 50 degrees below zero.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | 'Eternal planes' to watch over us
The Soviets supplied the equipment and the forests, in rough terrain where during the long winters the temperature dives far below zero.
Finnish two-year yields fell below zero for the first time, and rates on 10-year French and Austrian securities also tumbled to records.
The Soviet grain deal in the 1970s, helped by real interest rates at or below zero, created euphoria in the farm belt.
They can be particularly costly for those who skirt by paycheck to paycheck and would be most in danger of dipping below zero.
Adjusted for inflation, in fact, the effective fed funds rate has now been below zero for 54 of the last 101 months.
FORBES: Real U.S. Interest Rates Deeper Below Zero Than Even In 1970s
If your equity falls too far below zero, lenders are less likely to agree to a short sale because it costs them more.
Temperatures would drop from the forties into the single digits overnight, and high winds would drive the windchill well below zero, the service advised.
The sun is rising, helping the temperature inch up to 22 degrees below zero, as the door to the chartered Dash 8 aircraft swings open.
Any reading below zero indicates contraction in the region's manufacturing sector.