She takes the anxiety journal and tucks it beneath one of the sectional cushions.
Archaeologists are leading volunteers in a four-day dig to uncover the hidden history beneath one of Scotland's most famous landmarks.
Bednets treated with insecticide, for example, have been shown to cut infection rates by half, but less than one vulnerable child in 20 sleeps beneath one.
To keep the car from running away, Fyodorov stuck an old abandoned crosstie, which happened to be lying beside the track, beneath one pair of wheels and started to unhook the coupling and free the locomotive.
The Palais de Chaillot - or more precisely one of quarries that lies beneath it -- was the scene of one their most infamous projects.
The cap is cut by canyons and troughs that plunge as deep as one kilometre beneath the surface.
The bedcovers were folded beneath her arms, one wrist was encircled by a yellow plastic bracelet, and a constant bleeping hammered the silence.
Onstage, each horse is a large puppet, a concatenation of cane, silk, cables, and gears, worked by two men beneath the frame and one at the side, operating the head and the neck.
The arena itself is small, but included in the final cost of construction was Pennsylvania Station (beneath the arena), one of North America's busiest transportation hubs.
They fear a pipeline burst would allow oil to seep into the Ogallala Aquifer, a massive water table beneath the Great Plains and one of the largest in the world.
In other Van Gogh news, art historians have discovered one of his works hidden beneath another.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Van Gogh work 'by another artist'
All those miners were rescued, pulled one by one from hundreds of meters beneath the Earth's surface with a specially designed capsule.
"What's interesting now is that the design field is also attached to the art world, " Van der Straeten says, sitting beneath a Jason Martin painting hanging above one of his console tables.
Instead of occurring at a plate boundary along an area called a subduction zone, where one tectonic plate is diving beneath another, this earthquake occurred in the middle of an oceanic plate, where the faults in the crust essentially moved from side to side instead of up and down.
MSN: Why this Indonesia quake didn't spark a monster tsunami
But no one really thought to look too far beneath the surface because, after all, he was Bernie Madoff.
Already Finnish nuclear utility Posiva is test-drilling the rock beneath Olkiluoto island with the idea of interring waste one-third of a mile down.
One surprisingly rigid paw stuck out from beneath the blanket.
Although they are sometimes produced by landslides on the seafloor, significant tsunamis are typically created by subduction earthquakes, when one massive oceanic plate suddenly lurches deeper beneath another plate, shoving up a huge section of the seafloor.
MSN: Why this Indonesia quake didn't spark a monster tsunami
The S4 is expected to keep the Samsung streak going, and one would think ought to light a fire beneath Apple.
For the chance at one day riding in a new train tunnel beneath the Hudson River, commuter rail riders may have a strange entity to thank: superstorm Sandy.
One facility being built in Denmark will be hidden beneath a community ski park featuring three different slopes of various difficulties.
In fact it was buried beneath the sands next to the lighthouse at Cap Ferret, one of the promontories guarding the bay of Arcachon.
Planning problems are one reason: worried residents scotched a planned gas store beneath Lancashire earlier this year, and other projects have faced long delays.
As just one example, emerging technology to find weapons or explosives hidden beneath clothes is devilishly challenging.
One theory is that the toddler could have been accidentally buried beneath building material which had been dumped at the time.
Having found one, it grows into a spat, which when seen beneath a microscope already resembles a tiny oyster, with the shape of a shell already visible.
ECONOMIST: A dozen ocean-cleaners and a pint of Guinness, please
Beneath those two slots you'll find the dual speaker setup, with one speaker on the right and the other on the left.
ENGADGET: Huawei MediaPad 10 review: test-driving the company's first 10-inch tablet
The audience then walk through secret, maze-like passages beneath the ground that are rarely seen by the public, leading them from one building to the next.
The head pad is larger and can be moved to better fit your head, the strap can be adjusted at a number of points and the sliders beneath the 0.7-inch OLED monitors can be adjusted independently from one another.
Beneath the two passenger decks of this modified super jumbo is an Air Force One-style air-stair -- allowing access to the tarmac without the need for a sky-bridge or external staircase -- and a crew dining area, crew gallery, crew bathroom, sleeping quarters for eight on bunk beds, a communications room and spiral staircase leading to the main deck.