• Above the underwater space, guests can climb a ladder to the water level, which contains a bathroom and lounge, or ascend to the rooftop to soak up the sun or lay beneath the stars.

    BBC: An underwater hotel opens in Africa

  • As the sun sets slowly over Hoboken, make for the Hudson River Park, where classics such as The Wizard of Oz are screened alfresco beneath the stars, and three water-themed playgrounds provide the perfect antidote to childhood (and parental) meltdowns.

    BBC: Summer in the city: New York

  • Having nothing better in mind, he hops on board, and the ship sails off, beneath the Golden Gate Bridge, with the Stars and Stripes, at its stern, barely visible under a dying sky.

    NEWYORKER: Sail Away

  • After dark, I lost hours counting falling stars beneath the dotted canopy of the Milky Way, its sparkling dome mirrored in the placid waters below.

    BBC: Safari by water in southern Africa

  • Beneath the wall of signed photos of Marines, not movie stars, owner Jerry Amato says, post-Katrina, he's still short on staff.

    NPR: New Orleans Set for 'Bittersweet' Mardi Gras

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