Above the underwater space, guests can climb a ladder to the water level, which contains a bathroom and lounge, or ascend to the rooftop to soak up the sun or lay beneath the stars.
BBC: An underwater hotel opens in Africa
As the sun sets slowly over Hoboken, make for the Hudson River Park, where classics such as The Wizard of Oz are screened alfresco beneath the stars, and three water-themed playgrounds provide the perfect antidote to childhood (and parental) meltdowns.
BBC: Summer in the city: New York
Having nothing better in mind, he hops on board, and the ship sails off, beneath the Golden Gate Bridge, with the Stars and Stripes, at its stern, barely visible under a dying sky.
After dark, I lost hours counting falling stars beneath the dotted canopy of the Milky Way, its sparkling dome mirrored in the placid waters below.
BBC: Safari by water in southern Africa
Beneath the wall of signed photos of Marines, not movie stars, owner Jerry Amato says, post-Katrina, he's still short on staff.
NPR: New Orleans Set for 'Bittersweet' Mardi Gras