Critics also accused Mutharika of jeopardizing international relations and risking foreign aid that benefits the nation's poor.
Under these circumstances, a special premium should be placed on the allocation of Defense Department resources in ways that provide multiplied benefits to the Nation.
For example, as this Committee well knows, such programs have in the past stimulated great interest and enrollment in engineering and science programs, with long-term benefits for the nation.
If the investment of labor, an economic decision that benefits the whole nation, is to be encouraged, ownership must be protected.
But only half have tapped the subsidy program, estimates Ceridian Benefits Services, the nation's largest Cobra administrator.
According to a Goldman Sachs research study into women's participation in the economic life of a developing countries, it brings lasting benefits to the entire nation, not just the women involved.
Brazil's conquest of its interior has brought benefits to the modern nation, but heavy costs to its original peoples and environment.
Ensuring our innovators are protected with strong and enforceable IP provisions is essential if we are to reap the full benefits of a multi-nation agreement as significant as the TPP.
FORBES: Well Crafted Trade Agreements Are An Economic Growth Lubricant
Michelle Esterman, Altisource's chief financial officer, said the company based itself in Luxembourg to be in a time zone closer to its employees in India, where a majority of its workforce is located, as well as the tax benefits afforded to technology companies by the western European nation.
If that goes up, it benefits the average citizen of every nation.
FORBES: No President Obama, We Can't "Outcompete" Other Countries
Unless acquisition, personnel and training and readiness improvements are made in tandem with the sorts of changes Secretary Rumsfeld has put in train with respect to operating, equipping and overseas deployment of the armed forces, the full benefits of transformation will be denied the military and the nation they serve so well.
For example, for 30 years now the South American nation of Chile has demonstrated the enormous benefits to working people of empowering them with the freedom to choose personal savings, investment and insurance accounts in substitution for old fashioned social insurance programs hailing intellectually out of the late 19th century.
Though our Nation benefits immensely from the Internet, increased connectivity brings increased risk of theft, fraud, and abuse.
Although the East India Company flourished a very long time ago, in a very different world, its growth, longevity and demise have lessons for those who run today's state companies and debate their future, lessons about the benefits of linking a company's interests to a nation's and the dangers of doing so.
Despite the benefits of early education, our nation has lagged in making sure high-quality programs are available for our youngest kids.
At the time his state's unemployment rate was among the highest in the nation, and in December the fund that doles out unemployment benefits ran out of money.
For example during the party's welfare review, should a One Nation Labour Party defend the principle of universal benefits - or would its concern for the poor cost, for example, better off pensioners their winter fuel allowance?
While New Labour more fairly distributed the benefits of a growing economy, One Nation Labour will have to "rescue capitalism from itself".
Poland and Hungary are now seeking access to a number of U.S. trade and financial privileges, including: permanent or multi-year most-favored-nation status, tariff benefits under the generalized system of preferences, eligibility for Overseas Private Investment Corporation programs and large-scale debt relief.
The amended agreement, announced on a day when the U.S. unemployment rate ticked higher, sets the stage for a debate in Congress over whether free trade with a major Asian nation can deliver the promised benefits or will instead drain U.S. jobs.
While it is hard to imagine that civilization will forgo the benefits of expanding nuclear energy, the question of when this may happen is a political decision facing every nation.
The Fighting Irish, a member in all other sports since 1995, has reaped huge benefits from its inclusion in the best basketball conference in the nation.
We need to act as a nation that provides civilized and useful benefits to give its citizens the training, education, health care, and economic security necessary for them to be all they can be.
To their surprise (I had the opportunity to interview Mr. Goldfarb) they discovered that laissez faire policies had far less benefits than expected, and in fact produced almost universal negative economic outcomes for the nation!
On behalf of our nation's small businesses and the millions to whom they provide jobs and benefits, I hope the speaker reconsiders her "go-it-alone" approach.
CNN: Commentary: Health bill could handicap small businesses
Although Comcast's cable networks business benefits from higher distribution fees, those fees mean higher costs for Comcast because the company is also the nation's largest provider of cable-TV services to homes.
Although Comcast's cable networks business benefits from higher distribution fees, those fees mean higher costs for Comcast because the company is also the nation's largest provider of cable TV services to homes.
Let us serve them as well as they've served us, by giving them the equipment they need, by providing them with the care and benefits that they have earned, and by enlisting our veterans in the great task of building our own nation.
At the risk of stating the obvious, no nation can afford its people the quality of life, let alone the economic and security benefits, associated with being an advanced 21st Century society without assured and cost-effective access to energy.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Gaffney gives Hill testimony on Unocal
"The issues before the Supreme Court in this case and the Defense of Marriage Act case are not just important to the tens of thousands Americans who are being denied equal benefits and rights under our laws, but to our nation as a whole, " Holder added.