The most important question though in all of this is what is best for the children?
Her restaurateur husband told her to decide what was best for the children.
Parents choosing the best schools for their children and driving forward the academy programme.
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Deputy Robert Sillars said the department would choose the best course for the island's children.
If parents are given the freedom to choose the schools that work best for their children and teachers are given the freedom to teach in ways they know work, our kids will vault to the top of the global class.
It sits just off Interstate Highway 71 and its most famous attraction is Kings Island: "the best theme park in the Midwest for children and young adults".
Doctor Who spin-off The Sarah Jane Adventures, written by Phil Ford, took the prize for best children's TV script for its episode The Curse of Clyde Langer.
If we have either of those as parents, then no matter which way the trend swings, or what the studies prove over time, we can, at the very least, live with the knowledge that we did what we thought was the best for our children.
The best-established treatments for children with autism spectrum disorders fall under the broad heading of Applied Behavior Analysis -- often referred to as a "behavioral" approach.
The rhyming narrative of Julia Donaldson has made for a string of best-selling children's books, some of which have been adapted for the stage - the latest of which is Stick Man, which is at the New Wolsey Theatre in Ipswich as part of a national tour.
He added that the Rose Review's aim was to give teachers more freedom and flexibility, smooth children's transition between the stages of their education, and ensure the best possible educational outcomes for all children, he added.
As important as Social Security is for the nation's retirees, we also need to create the world's best schools for our children.
CNN: GOP leaders pledge to work with Democrats on key issues
Parents are in the best position to consider who would make a good substitute parent for the children, in the event the parents die.
The phrase was first used by Mee - a celebrated writer and journalist best known for his 1908 Children's Encyclopaedia - in The King's England, a 1930s series of books offering a guide to each of England's counties.
The writers of Children of Men won the Scripter Award for best adaptation of a book.
Danyne Randolph Bharj, director of the Amani Baby Cottage, understands the fears concerning the exploitation of children, but says that given the options for Ugandan children, in many cases adoption is the best solution.
Just a few years ago, I was shaking my head and saying I thought I'd had the best of times for journalism, and wouldn't want my children to join the trade.
The Scandinavian countries also have long had high proportions of women in parliament, and they have some of the world's most supportive policies around motherhood, and some of the best outcomes for mothers and their children.
Author Julia Donaldson, who is best known for The Gruffalo and was appointed the new Children's Laureate earlier this week, received the same honour.
The explosive growth of the adoption industry in Uganda has fueled fears that children are being exploited for profit and that the best interests of the child is not paramount.
Considered controversial for its images when it was first published - which some claimed to have scared children - the book went on to earn Sendak a prestigious Caldecott Medal for best children's book in 1964.
But, since the idea is to promote marriage as the best foundation for the family, at a time when almost 40% of first-born children are born out of wedlock, these rights for heterosexual partnerships do not include equality with married couples for tax purposes.
The key must be for children to use their time in front of them to best advantage by downloading the best apps and the right software to aid their learning.
She could, however, receive a lighter sentence if the judge believes that it is in the best interest of her family for her to stay out of jail: the Jacksons have two minor children at home.
Our new under-fives provision - Sure Start, nursery places for three and four year-olds, better maternity and paternity support, a massive extension of childcare supported by tax credits - is enabling parents to choose the provision that is best for them and their children, where previously there was often no provision at all.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Politics | Full text: Blair on public services
While I welcome the opportunity for us to address the problem, I hope we focus on how we might best help all our children, not just those who make the national news.
"Parents hire tutors for their children so they can get into the best colleges, " he said.
The children named as best friends were given points for each nomination, with the highest-scoring pupils taken to be the most popular.