In many organizations, this is how applications get built and woes betide you if you try to avoid writing the spec.
FORBES: How to Make New Application Design Really Easy
Nuts are generally good accompaniments to most aperitifs, but woe betide the wine lover who attempts to pair dry roasted peanuts with wine.
WSJ: Will Lyons on Wine: Pairings for Those Salad Days | Best Wines for Vegetarian Dishes
He is a veteran and is still the boss in the dressing room, so woe betide anyone he doesn't like -- including the coach.
CNN: Scolari blames 'player power' for Chelsea exit
Woe betide anyone who is dozing when there's an interception, though.
BBC: Behind the mic
The message the Kiwi coach has sent out is that he will only settle for the best, and woe betide anyone who falls below his standards.
BBC: Fear drives Wales team forward
It would be great if this were not true, but it is true and woe betide the woman who simply complains about inequity in the workplace.
FORBES: The Pay Gap - It's Time To Take It Personally
For the television broadcast includes fashion commentary, and woe betide the lady whose couture fails to be haute enough (or, indeed, the man whose tie is on skew-whiff).
ECONOMIST: The Nobel-prize ceremonies
Woe betide those with red-green colorblind assistants.
ENGADGET: Tachyon XC HD helmet camera review
Woe betide any whistleblowers in Malaysia.
FORBES: The Malaysian Third Way: A Public-Private Partnership
But woe betide the deadbeat.
FORBES: Going Into Hock