Indeed, one might speak of the Four Stages of the Barnes Experience: Bewilderment, Curiosity, Insight, Appreciation.
Shaking my head in bewilderment, it occurred to me: Could this be a red herring?
Below, some of the Grammy moments that left people shaking their heads, mostly in bewilderment.
Into this bewilderment has strode a voice of more-or-less clarity, an ennobled one, no less.
It suggests a parallel between Gloria's bewilderment and the author's own struggle to imagine her.
Barbara looked down at it with a little bewilderment, as though she wondered why she had extended it.
But many ordinary people hear such statements and scratch their heads in bewilderment.
Nikki Baird, managing partner at RSR Research, also expressed bewilderment over the partnership, seeing little benefit for Best Buy.
However, the sense of urgency and bewilderment about how to grow a company is at an all time high.
To the bewilderment of investors and analysts, he declares jauntily that he knows nothing about the American entertainment industry.
But that excitement quickly turned to bewilderment when she botched a series of interviews--and, for that matter, the English language.
This letter jarred upon her dream, but after a few days of bewilderment, she returned to her frozen seas and snow.
Adding to their bewilderment, JCP continued to hold sales on certain days of the month anyway, even before the July 4th surprise.
FORBES: JCPenney in Search of a Market: Is Ellen DeGeneres the Ticket?
But all of them had to make bold and controversial decisions which were certain to provoke bewilderment and horror at the time.
The move has analysts scratching their heads in bewilderment, but has also led to a federal investigation of Bristol's behavior during the negotiations.
The questions you raised may have been less pointed than others, but you express genuine bewilderment at how he came to his conclusions.
Beneath all this is the peculiar British combination of bragging and bewilderment, an air of expectations great but unmet and of unrealised specialness.
The difference in the American version is that somehow Scott manages to be a success despite his apparent bewilderment in the face of the sterile corporation.
She glanced from Herb to Terri and waited with a look of bewilderment on her open face, as if amazed that such things happened to people you knew.
This news is met with bewilderment and the occasional smirk.
At Northern Ireland Question Time in the House of Commons, the DUP's Nigel Dodds asked Secretary of State Theresa Villiers if she understood the anger and bewilderment felt by unionists.
But also pain and bewilderment at the confusions of war itself, the shocking photographs of the innocent dead, the media experts with their daily questioning of how things are being run.
Saudis expressed bewilderment on Monday at the new outbreaks.
WSJ: Virus's Toll in Saudi Arabia Raises Fears of Faster Spread
Brussels' ethnic communities could only stare in bewilderment.
Still, the starboard touchpad takes some getting used to -- more than once we found ourselves brushing up against the area below the keyboard, staring in bewilderment at the unmoving cursor on the rig's screen.
All I could do was tell her some of the climbing techniques I'd relied on to help manage the fear and the loneliness, and listen to her anger and bewilderment as she climbed it now herself.
But at this the cabinet expressed bewilderment, and some ministers are refusing to take part in the new government that Mr Banny, who was asked to stay on by President Laurent Gbagbo, hopes to name soon.
ECONOMIST: A toxic-waste scandal shows up the country's fragility
During the climactic showdown, in a room filled with older men, she exchanges glances with Somayeh, who is half her age, and in that exchange there simmers, already, a well of bewilderment and exasperation at adult folly.