Modern life is Taylorized life, the Taylor biographer Robert Kanigel observed, a dozen years back.
"He definitely aspires to a much grander role for himself, " says West, the biographer.
CNN: Talking baseball and politics with George W. Bush
"The sad thing about Boyd is he never wrote anything down, " says Robert Coram, Boyd's biographer.
Mr Petraeus quit after his affair with biographer Paula Broadwell was discovered during an FBI investigation.
The letters were among a collection loaned by Nussey to Bronte's biographer Elizabeth Gaskell in 1857.
BBC: Bronte letters returning to Haworth after ?185,000 sale
The man who is now Pope once talked about the two priests to his biographer.
Andrew Motion - poet, biographer and Professor of Creative Writing at the University of East Anglia.
He has survived 16 false reports of his killing by the army, according to his biographer.
That fumbled crisis was the worst mistake in Grove's career, according to biographer Richard Tedlow.
Michael Billington, Pinter's friend and biographer, said he was "devastated and saddened" by the news.
According to Aptullah Kuran, Sinan's biographer, architects would be better off forgetting the master altogether.
He's married to the biographer Lady Antonia Fraser, and he loves a good game of cricket.
This long record of public service earns the admiration of William Silber, his new biographer.
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Stephen May presents the life of this extraordinary man with a detachment unusual in a biographer.
As her biographer John Campbell astutely remarked, if you want to see her legacy, just look around.
But thanks to her biographer-turned-record-producer David Weaver, no one who hears this recording could possibly forget her.
Three years until his centenary is time enough for a fresh biographer to put the record straight.
Biographer Julia Blackburn organized, edited and wrote, based on a series of interviews with people who knew Billie Holiday personally.
Faced with all that, it is difficult enough for an ordinary biographer to keep a reputation for independence.
It was the same day Petraeus resigned as director of CIA, acknowledging an extramarital affair with his biographer.
"Chuck Hagel is not afraid of challenge -- or risk, " his biographer, Charlyne Berens, wrote in 2006.
The problem that I had as a biographer was that he was so detested that people's memory were altered.
"The Times quote is nonsense, " says Taylor Branch, a civil rights historian and biographer of Martin Luther King Jr.
Pope Francis told his Argentine biographer that he regularly hid fugitives from the Argentine government, reported the Associated Press.
No biographer before Tucker has had the temerity to say the kite experiment should be added to this list.
Faced with such a possibility, "he covered it up, plain and simple", says his grandson and biographer, Lord Stockton.
Known of but unknowable, Hughes was always going to be a biographer's dream.
It is no surprise that the biographer, like his subject, occasionally gets weary.
"I don't think he cares, " Scalia biographer Joan Biskupic told CNN in 2009.
"He is always ready to pull money out of his pocket to buy people, " says Said Aburish, an Arafat biographer.