My own biographical enterprise spanned exactly the years when the Keynesian revolution was fading.
Neither the introductory wall text nor materials in the rooms provide any biographical data.
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Richard Holmes is a professor of biographical studies at the University of East Anglia.
These biographical workshop techniques spurred a uniquely potent brand of protest theatre during the days of apartheid.
He married Friderike von Winternitz, and, over the next decade, he wrote mostly novellas and biographical essays.
His particular gift is to encapsulate complex historical and biographical events pithily and in an illuminating context.
Lincoln is not so much a biographical film as it is a brief portrait of a man at work.
Fuel was added to the fire by the thinness of available biographical material.
But movie love in this case also means a production more concerned with theatricality than with realism or biographical truth.
This is one of the best biographical films ever produced, and is a great way to start off the list.
But this obsessive biographical speculation has managed to obscure Hemingway's considerable literary achievement, especially in the years before he bought Pilar.
The app allows the user to create a person's profile including his or her iris, face, voice, fingerprints and biographical information.
CNN: How to turn your phone into a biometric scanning machine
Texas congressional delegation and became the most senior member in Congress, according to biographical information listed on Lamar University's website .
In the biographical section there is a fine collection of Kahn ephemera from his battered suitcase to the postcards he sent home.
Mr. Romney's campaign has been blanketing the airwaves in Florida with a biographical spot since last Wednesday, said adviser Brett Doster.
In addition to being a master of the provocative statement, Mr Giddins is a dab hand at the deft biographical sketch.
Mr. Bechtolf has added a new biographical frame to the play, about Hofmannsthal and his amorous correspondent, Austrian countess Ottonie von Degenfeld-Schonburg.
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The whole thing is a little kooky, but then so is the personality at the center of this unusual one-act, biographical portrait.
Fox was referring to the many Mexican citizens who hold a Border Crossing Card (BCC), which already holds biographical and biometric information.
Then the description of each law is followed by a short biographical essay about the person for whom the law is named.
No one before the late 18th century had ever asked them, or thought to read the plays or sonnets for biographical insights.
More prosaically, perhaps, graphic designer Nicholas Felton compiled various biographical data to produce a visually spectacular tribute to his father after he died.
He is generous with biographical information and firmly advocates the view that science progresses by incremental steps rather than revolutions or paradigm shifts.
They provide basic biographical information and weight loss goals and are automatically transferred to Spark Teams, small chat groups bound by similar shape-up goals.
More worryingly, detailed biographical information can be used by fraudsters to commit full-scale identity fraud or divert financial information and credit cards to another address.
The Almanac offers a complete guide to the electoral map of Britain, with profiles of every constituency and a biographical profile of every member of parliament.
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Mr Menand, a frequent magazine writer as well as a professor of English, zestfully adopts the contemporary biographical practice of not treating thinkers as disembodied intelligences.
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Mr Clark said they would like to include photos and more biographical information of the individuals buried at the church to give people "an even deeper insight".
Mixing readable explanations with quirky biographical details, he relates the stories of the telegraph, the telephone, electrification, radio, radar and computers, and of the people behind them.
This "biographical meditation" by noted novelist Gordon examines the life of an individual who still astonishes, fascinates and inspires us half a millennium after her fiery end.