They found that one in 10 births involved the use of a vacuum or forceps.
If births were turning upwards this is what the real time data would look like.
About one in four of the deliveries were C-section births and the remainder were vaginal deliveries.
Wikipedia maintains a list of notable births for each day of the year.
Like all births - rebirths in this case - there has been some pain involved.
The pro-growth attitude meant that at one point (1970) there were 5.9 births per female.
From Angelina Jolie's adoptions to Britney Spears and other celebrity births, babies are the new in-crowd.
Reproductive technologies were used in 122 of the births and 10% of the babies were premature.
Fertility treatment is far more likely to result in multiple births than natural conception.
Twins, triplets and other multiple births also increased over the decade, partly due to fertility treatments.
The Philippines has the highest fertility rate in the region, a whopping 3.23 births per female.
He celebrated the births and headed back to work at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, as scheduled.
Geraldine Lynch (Dumfries) - For services to the Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Death, job loss, divorce, multiple births and a broken marriage engagement all qualify for the break.
So, in 2012 there were about 42 abortions per 100 live births, not 130.
FORBES: Are There Really '13 Abortions For Every 10 Live Births' In Russia?
Overall it corresponds to a fall of six premature babies in every 1, 000 births.
There is now approximately one death for every 6, 000 to 10, 000 births, Main said.
It also called on ministers to set a timetable for reducing the number of caesarean births.
There were also more births than deaths for the first time in 10 years.
Presently there are around 35, 000 births a year in Wales, an extra 6, 000 since 2002.
More than 40% of the population increase is contributed by births beyond two children per family.
In the UK, the rate of placenta praevia is around 0.8% of all births.
The fates of the three Caston brothers may well have been fixed at their births.
More food led not to more births, but fewer, as the better-fed had smaller families.
Most eunuchs earn a living by collecting cash gifts from people during marriages and child births.
However, Wales has seen a 34% drop in births to girls aged under 16.
BBC: Wales maternity care warning by Royal College of Midwives
Such deliveries account for about a quarter of births, up from less than 10% in 1990.
As early as the 1800s, twin births in Sweden were recorded by priests in town parishes.
WSJ: Twins Health Registry Is Treasure Trove for Medical Research
The average lapse between first and second births in South Africa is almost four years.
Turn back the clock 30 year, and less than 20% of births occurred outside marriage.