Bullishness has led to some bumps for the fund in 2005, a blah year for stocks so far.
Pretty much in line with the study: decent for small stocks and blah for bonds.
If I want to come down there, he knows where I am, and blah blah blah.
CNN: Not everyone surprised at Oscar Pistorius' fall from grace
At the same time, we teach (blah, blah, blah for another 10 minutes on how great we are) .
They stammer when they talk normal because they want to tell you what BIOS stands for, blah blah blah.
Pfizer is seen as the industry leader, while Merck's prospects are considered blah.
It showed why USC could never convert its potential to results on the way to a blah 7-5 record.
WSJ: Notre Dame Beats USC for BCS Berth: Two Yards and a World of Difference
In a blah quarter for the stock market the company posted solid fee income, upped its annuity sales and reported asset inflows.
For a moment I felt as if I were riding in an elevator as I looked at the blah dashboard.
There is no face behind it driving it as a dream project, or as a wonderful new blah blah blah.
When I look back on the list of cars that I cycled through, I see great designs and blah designs.
But over the decades the rest of the course had gotten blah.
But moreover, for a generation of young digi-natives who have grown up with YouTube and blah imagery, it could help you redefine a generation.
There are a lot of fiddly ways to limit who can see what on your Wall and who can respond and blah, blah, blah.
An economy is about commerce and trade and me buying bread from the baker who buys meat from the butcher who buys candlesticks, blah, blah, blah.
They immediately launch into a series of soundbites about the quality of their talent initiatives, the number of high-potentials in the nine box, blah, blah, blah.
The students worked with the theatre company Blah Blah Blah to devise the 15-minute play, called Echoes, after hearing Ms Idris's first-hand stories of being a refugee.
BBC: Holocaust Memorial Day in Leeds marked by teenagers' play
We recommend it to our friends, it becomes hip, blah-blah-blah.
Most advice for picking a real estate agent is pretty standard: Find somebody who'll listen to you, who's experienced, sweats the details, works evenings and weekends, blah, blah, blah.
And then we will conclude that the issue is poor teaching, lack of accountability, incentives, unions, the inevitable effects of poverty, lack of parental support and blah, blah, blah.
The company, Blah Girls, failed, Kutcher freely admits.
FORBES: Ashton Kutcher's Fund Looks For Next Big (Tech) Star
That and the iPhone is too blah and limiting.
FORBES: Open Thread: Why Won't Android Crush Apple's iOS? (Like The PC Crushed The Mac)
As a result, a huge chunk of tourist dollars are spent in these areas (which tend to be saturated with blah chain stores and restaurants), while off-the-beaten-path neighborhoods are lucky to get the occasional looky-loo.
FORBES: The Airbnb Effect: Bringing Life To Quiet Neighborhoods
Record revenue, record earnings, blah blah blah.
FORBES: Apple Earnings Call: Plenty Of Tablet Trash Talk, But Nothing On Steve Jobs (Live)
The latest U.S. economic news was Monday-morning blah: data on construction and manufacturing, two labor-intensive industries, showed recessionary pressures have not abated, givng whoever wins the presidential election on Tuesday a tough problem to deal with even before his term begins in January.
There's simply too much stuff for a two-hour feature, and three writers, including Tony Gilroy, haven't figured out how to boil it down into a readily comprehensible narrative, or how to solve the problem of an ending that goes blah rather than bang.
Even the most sensible has a hard time not being dazzled as the salesperson slids figures in and out telling them how the loan can be structured so they can afford it, at least for the first two or three years, blah, blah, blah.
FORBES: What You Don't Often Hear About Those "Envious" 99 Percenters