He has been blamed for being behind "unprecedentedly serious attacks" on non-profit anti-spam watchdog Spamhaus.
He was devoid of all energy and a virus was blamed for his exit.
But it is women who are blamed for shirking this responsibility when they have a career.
Zimbabwe's land-reform programme has been widely blamed for its economic collapse in recent years.
Poor economic conditions and cuts in government subsidies were blamed for the deterioration in trading.
It has been blamed for road traffic accidents where people have fallen asleep behind the wheel.
This is not the first time a methane burp has been blamed for an extinction.
ECONOMIST: A geological burp may have led to the dinosaurs�� domination
Hurricane Sandy is being blamed for a 78, 000-claim spike in the weekly jobless claims number.
FORBES: Wal-Mart And Jobless Claims Weigh On Stocks, Apple Stabilizes
Still, few criminal charges have been filed against high-ranking executives often blamed for the crisis.
Such is being blamed for some of the selling pressure in the markets Wednesday.
That seems unlikely: the Republicans will not want to be blamed for the recession.
Ms Royal was blamed for a presidential campaign that was seen as lacklustre and gaffe-strewn.
And it has been blamed for a number of leukaemia cases among former Balkans peacekeepers.
Abta also rejected the idea that the tourism industry could be blamed for health problems.
The group was blamed for an attack in April in the city of Kano.
Board decision, but also blamed for failing to keep the promise of that ruling today.
Those kids who are unable to fight back may end up feeling blamed for the bullying.
When they are blamed for this, the judges respond that police evidence-gathering is sloppy.
And Mr Yushchenko should not be blamed for some of Ukraine's most intractable problems.
It's thirst for crude oil and commodities has been blamed for driving prices to record levels.
Mr Kirchner set great store by defying the IMF, which he blamed for the 2001 collapse.
He had been blamed for misreading the popular mood before last week's mid-term elections.
The rumors at times have been blamed for triggering waves of withdrawals from Greek retail banks.
Early snowfall was blamed for a 19-car pileup in Cumberland, Maine, that caused minor injuries.
Everything from inclement weather to job insecurity has been blamed for consumers' reluctance to spend.
New Orleans' elected school board has long been blamed for many of the district's problems.
The growth share matrix has been blamed for persuading companies to focus obsessively on market share.
On Thursday, RAAD was blamed for shooting a man in both legs in Creggan.
Polygamy is widely blamed for social ills ranging from school absenteeism to street violence.
An increase in Japan's consumption tax in 1997 was widely blamed for sabotaging a recovery.