Instead, they blankly stared ahead to summon the concentration required to take on the sheep.
For a while, he stared blankly at the judge's bench but appeared to be aware of what was going on.
The upstairs windows seemed to ponder blankly on the reflections of clouds.
Yet they were also profoundly disturbed, given to staring blankly and rocking in place for long periods, circling their cages repetitively, and mutilating themselves.
He had a special fondness for the white Japanese anemones that backed, calmly and blankly, the psychedelic annuals he tried out in his beds.
The receptionist introduced me as I walked into the room and observed four middle-aged men seated around a long, shiny, mahogany conference table all staring blankly at me.
FORBES: Borrowing Millions Starts With a Positive First Impression
There is duplication across the behind-the-scenes material, and an annoying corporate type reading blankly off an autocue in an effort to advertise the book spin-offs from the movie.
She thanked them for their patience when she was weeping at an unseen memory, or staring blankly into an uncertain future, or disappearing just before tipoffs to nurse her child.
Standing in that courtyard, staring blankly at a pile of stones where my 23-year-old self had once posed for a photo, I was suddenly hit by the elasticity of time.
Despite the public image of a politician in perpetual motion, Mr Sarkozy can be found in this book in quiet contemplation, staring blankly out of a window, or into the night.
And yet, until what my friend Karen McGrane refers to as bionic hearing is no longer stigma-free, people will go on nodding blankly to vowel sounds they cannot distinguish.
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There in the family room, where the great plasma TV screen stared blankly and the morning Globe lay, still in its plastic wrapper, where it had been tossed onto the sofa unread, Lynne kissed dryly, tentatively, as if testing her lipstick.
Every night, for months, the television showed Euro-angular German stockbrokers, post-frat looking American traders, frantically disheveled Asian commodities brokers all looking up at tickers the home audience couldn't see, staring blankly upward as if they were waiting for Superman to save them.
After a professor at the Institute (Stellan Skarsgard) discovers that the surly janitor he's argued with in the hallway is capable of off-handedly deciphering mathematical equations that leave his graduate students staring blankly at the chalkboard, Will is taken under the professor's wing.
CNN: Review: Genius is as genius does in 'Good Will Hunting'