The trees grow small and stunted, their living branches bleached bone-white by wind and dust.
They are bleached clean by the truth -- and pretty quickly, given half a chance.
Santa Cruz is a surf town, so there's a lot of sun burnt faces and sun bleached hair.
In St James, just north of the capital, Bridgetown, a sun-bleached eight-bedroom manor oozes British colonial charm.
The jokes about him looking like a pint of Guinness, caused by his bleached-blond hairdo, have even abated.
Fixed into holes in a corrugated iron roof, the "bulb" is a recycled plastic bottle that contains bleached water.
Klein said he treated Jackson's vitiligo with a cream that eventually bleached Jackson's darker pigmentation to even out his skin color.
CNN: Actress: Michael Jackson's glove was to hide skin problem
Villages that once sustained themselves have shrunk inside their bleached walls, their people ageing, half their doors and windows bricked up.
The color in various framed vacation snapshots had bleached out, shifting register.
The story feels bleached of past and future, of context and consequence.
Sometimes, bleached coral recovers but, in the past year, large sections of coastal reefs in the ocean have broken down and collapsed.
In the master bedroom, a leather-upholstered headboard serves as the backdrop to a bleached fox-fur bedspread and a circular crystal chandelier hangs overhead.
Organochlorines are contained in many familiar products, such as in solvents, pesticides, plastics, disinfectants, forms of packaging and bleached pulp and paper products.
Further into this space, wide, bleached-wood steps lead to a flat platform level that can be topped with cushions and used as beds.
'Through the winter we take kids out on seven-day trips, ' explains captain Chrissy Gayer, whose sun-bleached hair suggests a life lived permanently outdoors.
In the bleached sky, kites and vultures wheeled at a great height on the afternoon thermals, as if the sky itself were slowly turning.
Everywhere there are huge bleached whalebones, the crumbling hulks of shipwrecks, dead plants, and the footprints of infrequent desert creatures, all on a desperate search for sustenance.
Photos showed Kim Han-sol with bleached blonde hair and dressed stylishly.
The pace is deliberate and the style is austere, with bleached color photography (by Tom Stern) that could almost pass for black-and-white, yet the feeling is intimate.
There, in their small workshop in Newport Pagnell in Buckinghamshire, the artisans cleaned and scraped and bleached and stretched the skin until it was transformed into vellum.
He was speaking in Kurdish before a hall filled with dignitaries, at a glitzy ceremony complete with swirling spotlights and a bleached-blond Turkish female master of ceremonies.
You could hardly blame me for giving in - I am sure you would not want to find my bleached bones left out in the desert, would you?
Sun-bleached boat sheds are built into the honeycomb rock, with long slats sloping down to the water so the fishermen can easily push their way out for the early morning catch.
Roadsides are littered with the bleached-out bones of unfortunate 'roos.
The floors are bleached wood for a casual, indoor-to-outdoor feel.
Featuring songs from the group's debut album, I Heart California, Admiral Radley's set played out as a trip through the sun-bleached freeways and cigarette-studded beaches of the Golden State.
Fluorescent bulbs emit a pallid, bleached light that is okay for hallways and porches, but which fails to flatter and provide a good quality of light for living rooms.
There the skins are soaked in a chemical bath to soften the leather, and the fur is greased and "finished"--meaning, bleached, dyed or toned, depending on use and fashion trends.
He was wearing a grey bomber-style jacket with black lining and hood, light blue bleached jeans that were ripped at the bottom and grey hi-top trainers when he went missing.