Many Japanese investors blissfully ignored rising interest rates in the last two years of the 1980s.
Mr Hoecker said most Germans were blissfully unaware of the English stereotype of them hogging loungers.
Since the migration will not make its way up here until autumn, it was blissfully empty of other travellers.
But when he died, his small band of devoted followers was blissfully sure that he had.
Genes simply blindly code for the production of proteins, blissfully unaware of their ultimate long-range effects.
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In fact, many of them may be blissfully unaware that the feature even exists while it is unavailable.
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It was a professional and respectful relationship between both parties and the pair still remain blissfully married today.
And despite often startling levels of atmospheric particulates, the weather at 2, 240m stays blissfully crisp almost year round.
Crossed cultures and cross-dressing meet in this blissfully funny romance and odd-couple movie, set in a Canadian backwater.
Most companies are, or choose to be, blissfully unaware that buyer journeys have changed in the past three years.
Most of the people we stopped in the street seemed blissfully unaware that a moment of decision was approaching.
Try Me Bicycle makes gorgeous, reflective music, with simple piano and guitar lines that drift blissfully on Summery breezes.
In the afternoons, he's even been out running round the island, pounding up its many steep hills, blissfully alone.
Most investors are blissfully unaware of how much they are paying for the privilege of owning a mutual fund.
Devin makes a good place to relax, enjoy a therapeutic massage or two and hike on blissfully empty woodland paths.
If you are blissfully unaware of the Republican-Democrat partisan artillery, the sequester is part of the 2011 Budget control Act.
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We blissfully ignored the fact that Windows was the only operating system around and we were forced to buy it anyway.
Something that many are blissfully unaware of are the isotopes of C02.
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And second, because he is dealing with the underlying mathematical theory of computing, his text is blissfully free of brand-names and buzzwords.
Yet investors in American stockmarkets still seem blissfully unconcerned by such niceties.
Few of the top executives have worked for another airline, and they blissfully ignore strategies like complex fare structures that are commonplace elsewhere.
It is a talisman that magically moves people who have nothing else in common to blissfully share the most popular sport in America.
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These and other punitive measures blissfully ignore the lessons learned in the 1970s and 1980s, when Washington monetarily harassed the oil industry: Investment plummeted.
She said the policy was "incredibly unfair" as she believed the public were "blissfully unaware of this" when they bought tickets in "good faith".
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The IOC was blissfully unaware of the repercussions that would ensue, only further proving that they had no understanding of the power of social media.
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Triopetra's relative inaccessibility and tiny size have kept it blissfully quiet.
The rating agencies blissfully gave AAA status to this toxic material.
For a submerged moment, all around is blissfully cool and quiet.
It helps boost the other essential ritual that takes place during Atlantic salmon trips: those long, blissfully drawn-out European-style dinners and drinks that happen every night.
The scene was blissfully beautiful: a placid expanse of water with patches of lotuses floating here and there, birds swooping and settling, children splashing, adults wading with fishing nets.