If this does not get done, it is guaranteed that Medicare and Medicaid will blow a hole through our budget.
Higher health spending obviously puts pressure on the overall level of public spending, but need not blow a hole in the public finances.
ECONOMIST: Can Tony Blair spend his way out of trouble on health?
The TV networks know they can dial up a Lindsey Graham to blow a hole Sunday morning in any leadership effort at a unified message.
Liberal Democrat environment spokesman Andrew George said Mr Meacher's comments "blow a hole in any claims the government might make about their desire for an open debate on GM".
The Brent Spar platform was obsolete and after evaluating options and conferring with the UK government, Shell announced the company would blow a hole in it and sink it to the bottom of the ocean.
FORBES: Part I in a CSR Series: Corporate Citizenship in a Global Economy
"If we do not do this kind of stimulus, the deficit will get worse because of the loss of economic activity, " Frank told CNBC when asked whether this kind of spending will just blow a hole in the already ballooning deficit.
Those on the left have cried that such a plan would destroy social programs and blow a hole in the deficit, while those on the right have said that this plan offers a bold way to strengthen the economy, reign in spending, and take on entitlements.
FORBES: Paul Ryan's Budget Plan Is A Start -- But Only A Start
But it would also blow a large hole in Mr Blair's European strategy.
Mr Singh objected that this would blow an enormous hole in the budget.
The pressure in the capped-off well could blow a new hole in it, letting oil and gas leak out through the seabed.
This exclusion would blow a huge hole in the U.S. estate tax but for one thing: Taxpayers are reluctant to make these gifts.
Either would blow a huge hole in next year's budget, already stretched because of a promised inflation-busting hike to the minimum wage and linked social-security spending.
But it does blow a major hole in one of the bullish arguments supporting Philip Morris International: emerging markets will not be growth markets for tobacco forever.
FORBES: The Russian Smoking Ban: Will It Snuff Out Big Tobacco Profits?
Tiger Woods suffered a blow almost as cruel as Guan's on the 15th hole, when his perfectly judged approach shot hit the pin and bounced into the water.
WSJ: At the Masters, the Eighth-Grader Gets Detention | Golf Journal by John Paul Newport
The Blow Out Preventer is off the well which is being controlled by a down hole safety valve.
On the 10th hole, somebody might hit a putt ... a foot from the hole, and that same, exact putt 10 minutes later might blow off the green 30 yards and make triple (bogey).
Berlin's already shaky finances were dealt a blow last month when the Bankgesellschaft Berlin, in which the city holds a 57% share, revealed a massive hole in its financing.