In the inflationary blowup of the late 1970s, diamonds were the subject of considerable investment fervor.
Mall REITs' stats have suffered from the blowup of one prominent member, Mills Corp.
Washington Mutual is the latest blowup in a checkered history of savings and loan disasters.
During the blowup, Fortis shares, which trade on the Bombay and National Stock exchanges, fell 3%.
After the blowup, Mr. Bent and his son Bruce Bent II renamed their company DoubleRock Corp.
That blowup in market value was potentially the largest single private claim stemming from the accident.
Since the blowup in March, Signal says 50 guest workers have gone AWOL, looking for more-lucrative work.
And yet there are plenty of junk buyers, some of whom have obviously forgotten the telecom blowup.
In the past few years there have been the supbrime-mortgage securities blowup and the auction-rate securities blowup.
Legendary hedge funder Michael Steinhardt has been merely an interested bystander in this year's hedge fund blowup.
All you had to do to ignite a blowup was put a seventy-five-watt bulb into a sixty-watt socket.
In a calmer moment, ask your partner whether he or she is willing to talk about the blowup.
The blowup of 2008 was blamed in part on financial innovations such as credit derivatives and subprime mortgages.
The collision of WBC rules and the unwritten rules of the game led to the blowup, Renteria said.
After each blowup, the firms that survive temporarily shy away from risky ventures and cut back on leverage.
The Venture blowup has been going on for over a year and seems to be reaching a critical point.
The recent Middle East blowup undermined Clinton's foreign policy credentials--and Gore's as well.
Congress recently passed the 2, 319-page Dodd-Frank Act to clean up the financial industry and save us from another blowup.
The latest subprime blowup rallied hopes for a more sympathetic Federal Reserve.
In his Russia story ten months ago, Hanke forecast Russia's ruble blowup.
Knowing the personalities, she felt that a big blowup was coming.
Since the bug blowup, OpenDNS' monthly revenues have just about doubled.
She pulled out a large photographic blowup of a brain-tissue sample.
Managers began to use less internal leverage following the infamous blowup of the Long Term Capital Management hedge fund in 1999, although that has been edging back up in recent years.
The month after the blowup Manos Vourkoutiotis, who was in charge of Amaranth's Toronto trading desk, moved with a dozen colleagues to Moore Capital Management, the firm owned by billionaire Louis Moore Bacon.
Jason Arnold, an analyst at RBC Capital Markets, said that there are opportunistic investors out there who have been anticipating a blowup in the credit markets and are sitting on the sidelines with capital.
Moseley-Braun's term was marked by controversy, including trips to Nigeria to visit the late dictator Sani Abacha, campaign finance questions and a blowup in which she compared columnist George Will to a Ku Klux Klansman.
Brett Nelson Blowup When we looked at stock market darling Seattle FilmWorks two years ago (Jan. 13, 1997), the mail-order film developer was on a tear, posting 25% earnings growth for six years in a row.
In some ways, Soros went on to tell Bloomberg TV, even avoiding a blowup akin to the Lehman Brothers collapse in 2008 may not be enough to save the 17-nation currency with all its current members.