The 1, 400-person town of Nederland gained worldwide notoriety in 1994 when local authorities discovered the body of Norwegian Bredo Morstoel packed in a steel coffin filled with dry ice.
BBC: Search the
Two morgue workers then put her body inside a little wooden coffin and placed it in the morgue.
There is a snaky creature underfoot, a body in a coffin, and a vast arsenal of weapons, but the creators have left the planet.
NEWYORKER: That��s Life
Lucena announced the date on state television, appearing in a small inset as the main picture showed people filing past Chavez's coffin at the military academy in Caracas, where his body has lain in state since Wednesday.
NPR: Venezuela Sets Presidential Election For April 14
Police motorbikes then escorted a gold-plated coffin along the highway in Los Angeles carrying the singer's body.
BBC: Newsbeat - Entertainment - Jackson fans say their goodbyes
In Ramallah, officials said Mr Arafat may be interred in a stone coffin so that one day his body can be moved to Jerusalem where Palestinians hope to have the capital of a future independent state.
BBC: NEWS | Middle East | Veteran leader Yasser Arafat dies