The spirit of political liberty cannot flourish outside the body of the nation-state.
Someone once described the joy and anxiety of parenthood as the equivalent of having your heart outside of your body all the time, walking around.
Officers, detectives and investigators with several units of the New York Police Department returned to the basement of a West Broadway shop where a New Jersey man, Pedro Hernandez, is charged with strangling the boy before disposing of his body in a garbage bag outside, according to a law-enforcement official with knowledge of the search.
The birth of the first child who began life as an embryo outside the human body made headlines world-wide and ultimately spawned hundreds of commercial IVF clinics.
It requires blowing up a battery's tight little package, storing the guts of the battery outside its body.
The modified T cells are grown outside the body for several weeks until billions of them are ready and are then injected back into the patient.
The birth of the first human child who began life as an embryo outside the human body made headlines world-wide and, within a few years, spawned hundreds of commercial IVF clinics.
WSJ: Test-Tube Baby Pioneer Robert Edwards Wins Nobel Prize for Medicine
One is a protective sheath that keeps cells alive for months outside a host body, nourished by a layer of fat.
When Armstrong finds the body of a beautiful young woman outside the house of an influential senator, the case is handed to Freeman.
The Bill, which has cross-party support, allows the Northern Ireland Assembly to delegate powers to set the salaries and allowances of its 108 members to an outside body.
Fenfluramine, the "fen" in fen-phen (the "phen" is phentermine), also stimulates serotonin but in a much broader way, hitting serotonin receptors throughout the body, including a type on the outside of cells near the heart.
He won national acclaim by reconstructing the chest of a baby born with the heart outside the body.
Recent concerns about too-skinny models, increasing interest in exposing Photoshopped versions of already-beautiful people, and of course the constant use of celebrity plastic surgery as a topic for satire suggest that there is a broad undercurrent of distrust about body modification that places people too far outside a certain norm.
On the night of the raid, Pakistani officials found the courier's body lying just outside his bedroom and behind a locked grey door with windows that had been shot out.
The figures are a body-blow to anyone saying that the British economy can't survive outside of the eurozone and also to those who say that not being in the euro is already damaging our economy.
Her body was found several days later, partially covered with snow in a desolate field outside of town.
For millions of people, the body seems to have become a vehicle through which experiences pass from the outside world into a status update.
Mr. Holmes was arrested outside the midnight showing of "The Dark Knight Rises, " police said, still clad in body armor and armed with several weapons, including a semiautomatic rifle.
WSJ: Alleged Colorado Movie Theater Shooter James Holmes Is Charged
The research team found that not only did the lymphatic vessels spring up inside the tumour, but they also appeared to even hook up with those outside the tumour - creating a ready-made highway to carry cancer cells to other parts of the body.