Seven boilingwaterreactors at the Fukushima Daiichi plant and the neighbouring Fukushima Daini plant, both operated by Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco), shut down on Friday.
There are a number of different reactors in use, most commonly water-cooled pressurised or boilingwaterreactors - though other reactor types are kept cool with the help of liquid metal, gas or molten salt.
Mr Ishizuka acknowledges that the company is taking a risk, though given that Hitachi knows how to build advanced boilingwaterreactors and that it now owns the land on which to build them, he is firmly optimistic.
Two officials from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission with expertise in boilingwater nuclear reactors have deployed to Japan as part of a U.S. International Agency for International Development (USAID) team.
Executives have been pressing officials in China to include GE's advanced boiling-water reactors in their next five-year economic plan (China uses the pressurized reactors championed by perennial GE rival Westinghouse, now part of British Nuclear Fuels Ltd.).
The government has a target of the end of the year to bring the plant to a cold shutdown, when the reactors are stable and the water inside them is no longer boiling.