Maybe the concept came to you in a flash, the proverbial bolt out of the blue.
Lisburn councillor Stephen Martin said the news had "come as a bolt out of the blue".
Redundant worker Lanza Martineta said the news he was losing his job came as a "bolt out of the blue".
The plan to close a Merseyside aircraft parts factory has come as "a bolt out of the blue", according to a local MP.
Mr Howarth said the plant had been recruiting "within the last 12 months, so it's a bit of a bolt out of the blue".
"It hit me like a bolt out of the blue, " he recalls: A franchise system would be a way to maintain standards and improve the supply chain.
They added that the proposals, which they described as "a bolt out of the blue", would hurt small businesses and employee share-ownership schemes, as well as discouraging risk-taking by venture capital firms vital to economic growth.
Cumbes, who also sits on the executive committee of the ECB, refuted suggestions from Modi that the ECB had been warned that the tournament might have an early start, calling it a "bolt out of the blue", though he did admit "our system is cluttered to death with fixtures".
Bolt was clearly up out of the blocks before the starting gun -- which under next year's new rules would have disqualified him automatically.
Bolt has now won seven out of eight of the major athletics competitions, only missing out on a World Championship 100m title in South Korea due to a false start.
Under Jewish and Islamic law, animals for slaughter must be healthy and uninjured at the time of death, which rules out driving a bolt into the brain - though some Muslim authorities accept forms of stunning that can be guaranteed not to kill the animal.
Corbett said it may be difficult to get out a dead-bolt door, or some doors might be blocked by equipment or boxes.
What quickly emerged was Stelios' "easy" method of reengineering traditional industries: Strip out unnecessary costs and bolt on the efficiencies of new technologies.
Sometimes when Magda comes out onto the steps and speaks, I sit bolt upright in bed.
She impressed on him how much better it would be to stick it out in his lower-level job than to bolt.
Takahashi took more time out in 2011 when he had to have the bolt from that knee surgery removed, but he recovered the following year to win his first Grand Prix Final -- which was held in Sochi, the Russian resort city that will host next year's Winter Olympics.
CNN: Daisuke Takahashi: Japan star on the importance of being 'gorgeous'
There's no info on whether SleepWell will ever be distributed commercially, but may we suggest an LTE version to help out big V's poor ol' T-Bolt?
ENGADGET: SleepWell forces WiFi to wait its turn, keeps gadgets well-rested (update)
Or if you want to run as an Independent, do that, but don't try and have it both ways, running as a Democrat in the primary and if it doesn't work out, he's going to, you know, bolt the party and run as an Independent.
But Usain Bolt takes such a dim view of British taxation that two years ago he pulled out of the Aviva London Grand Prix and competed in Paris instead.
Bolt's reaction time was typically slow, with Gatlin, Blake and Gay faster out of the blocks, but the legs in lane seven were starting to drive.
Mr Romney could turn out to be plausible on this criterion: he should tack to the centre in 2012 if he can bolt the nomination down.