On Thursday he told the civilian policing board that, except for bomb-disposal, he had no intention of using military support again.
ECONOMIST: Northern Ireland
Three members of a bomb-disposal squad were killed in 2010 when the device they were trying to defuse in the German town Gottingen went off.
CNN: Experts defuse unexploded WWII bomb in central Berlin
Horst Lenz, the 56-year-old head of the regional bomb-disposal squad tasked with defusing the devices Sunday, said the bomb is the largest among the hundreds of World War II-era bombs he has tackled since beginning his hair-raising career in 1984.
WSJ: German City to Evacuate as 2-Ton Bomb Is Defused
Berlin (CNN) -- Bomb disposal experts have successfully disabled a World War II bomb discovered near the main station in the German capital, Berlin, police said Wednesday.
CNN: Experts defuse unexploded WWII bomb in central Berlin
The terrain proved difficult for the army bomb disposal team - their first robot toppled over during a squall and a second vehicle was sent in to deal with the suspect device.
BBC: Northern Ireland
During his military career, Mr Smith worked all over the world and was involved in mine clearance, bomb disposal, body recovery and anti-piracy work.
BBC: Diver John Smith
Berlin (CNN) -- It happens more often than you might think: Streets cordoned off and bomb disposal experts called in to deal with unexploded bombs that were dropped on Germany nearly 70 years ago.
CNN: Experts defuse unexploded WWII bomb in central Berlin
British troops are still engaged in some risky activities - including running road convoys to evacuate equipment from their remaining bases, providing some bomb disposal back up, and sending helicopters on supply runs.
BBC: UK combat operations in Afghanistan effectively cease